APex-Technologies TElecom-ParisTech joint laboratory
Development of new solutions for measurment and instrumentation in the field of optical communications and related areas.
ARA Campus. The Audiovisual Research Archive Campus – a demonstrator for the production, description and publishing of digital audiovisual archives. Domain of expertise: Digital humanities
ARA Campus. The Audiovisual Research Archive Campus – a demonstrator for the production, description and publishing of digital audiovisual archives. Domain of expertise: Digital humanities
ATTentive at schoOL. Development of a cognitive neuroscience-based program teaching attention skills in the classroom
given that the project is specifically intended for an audience of french teachers , we depart from our usual procedure (in our neuroscience projects) and provide only the summary and main documents in French.
Acetylcholine receptor gene coregulation by long distance interactions
The muscle cell is unique as it contains several nuclei which organize their genome in different ways depending from their position and activity. We aim to understand how and why genome organization changes during muscle differentiation.
Acoustic stealthness by reasonant ribs
The FARAON research project aims to study and validate a device which consists in attaching to a part of the stiffeners of a metallic structure, resonant systems which characteristics randomly vary fr
Activation of the G protein-coupled glutamate receptors : a single molecule study.
The G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family represents more than 30% of all therapeutic drug targets and hence pharmaceutical companies are developing programs to identify new modulators of these rec
Active probes for high resolution near field microscopy
SAMIRE proposes the implementation of an innovative concept of active probes (fluorescent or SHG nanosources). Beyond the design and realization of new SNOM probes, SAMIRE aims at the functionalization of AFM tips. The final objective of the project is to highlight the potential of these multifunctional tips for high resolution optical imaging (<10 nm). More generally, SAMIRE aims to develop a new tool for nanoscale characterization.
Activity, organization and function of the Elongator factor
Activity, organization and function of the Elongator factor
Adaptation Research, a TransdISciplInary TransnatIonal Community and policy Centered approach
ARTISTICC’s goal is to apply innovative standardized transdisciplinary approaches to develop robust, socially, culturally and scientifically, community centred adaptation strategies as well as a serie
Adaptation to variable pesticide doses
The massive use of pesticides since the 50's was a major revolution in our societies (agonomy, medecine). The evolution of resistance in treated organisms is a situation where the process of adaptation has the most immediate consequences on a massive scale. It is however often envisioned in a simplified ecological context. The originality of this project is to focus on the impact of gradient and low doses of pesticide.