Managing water resources within Mediterranean agrosystems by accounting for spatial structures and connectivities
The ALTOS project aims to improve water management models for rainfed and irrigated agriculture, by considering the modulation of spatial structures and connectivities induced by hydro-agricultural in
Target Ion Source for Short-Lived Ion Production
The study of exotic nuclei is one of the main avenues of research with a high potential for discoveries worldwide. The TULIP project aims to enhance near-term nuclear physics research possibilities by creating unique radioactive ion beams (RIB) for ambitious subatomic experiments at the national flagship facility SPIRAL based at the Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds (GANIL) in Caen.
Security and privacy in 5G mobile networks
For 20 years, 3rd and 4th generation mobile networks have allowed users to receive service anywhere, at any time. The dawning and visionary 5th generation mobile network (5G) aims to create a highly-d
MARine terraces along the northern Andean Coast as a proxy for seismic hazard ASsessment
Large subduction earthquakes occur just below densely populated coastal areas and are therefore the source of very high risks for these regions. Among them, South America is one of the most seriously
Me, we, and them. A context-sensitive model of social and vicarious consumer animosity.
Research on consumer animosity indicates that consumers reject specific products or services due to their animosity towards the country of origin. The current body of literature employed an individual
Bivalve shell-based, high-resolution multi-proxy reconstruction of marine primary production – Pecten maximus, Bay of Brest
Despite the outstanding relevance of phytoplankton for the functioning of marine ecosystems and global climate, past primary production dynamics in the coastal zone is still not well characterized (time-series are usually too short and too sparse). It is therefore crucial to develop new tools that can provide reliable, temporally well-constrained, seasonally to inter-annually resolved data on past primary production dynamics in coastal nearshore environments based on shells of bivalve mollusks.
Evolutionary Ecology of fossil anthropoid primates in Southeast Asia
Better understanding the evolutionary history of the anthropoid primates in Southeast Asia through the fossil record of the Central Basin of Myanmar
Aversion to Strategic UnceRtainty: Measurement and Policy Implications
Strategic uncertainty is the uncertainty that players face with respect to the strategies chosen by other players. While economic theory mostly applies equilibrium concepts that are based on the absence of strategic uncertainty, experiments have indicated that most humans waive a substantial part of their expected payoff in order to avoid that their payoff depends on the decisions by others. This aversion to strategic uncertainty has far-reaching consequences for economic efficiency.
Phonological Networks in Language Production and Comprehension.
In a joint effort of French and German scientists specializing, respectively, in speech production and speech comprehension, this project will perform parallel production and comprehension experiments in French and German to improve our understanding of the brain mechanisms of language.
Hybrid supramolecular/plasmonic switches as luminescence sensors and watermarkers
One of the current challenges of applied plasmonics is to control the molecular configuration around nanostructures as a promising route to drive their functionality. Our idea is to couple metal nanoparticles with fluorophores and to achieve distance control between them through the use of stimuli-responsive molecules like ß-cyclodextrin/guest and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide).