Second edition of the transnational call for projects of the European Partnership Driving Urban Transitions with a focus on urban areas
Coming from the Horizon Europe Partnership scheme and related to the JPI Urban Europe, the European Driving Urban Transitions Partnership gather a massive community: 27 countries and more than 60 partners to support the European innovation ecosystem in the urban area. The aim of the DUT Joint Call 2023, whom first stage will open on September 1st and will close on November 21 is to fund transnational research and innovation projects on urban challenges, at an international level in order to help cities in their transition to a more sustainable economy. Among Horizon Europe's 49 European Partnerships, DUT is the only one dedicated to urban transition.
2nd transnational call for proposals 2023 of the European Clean Energy Transition Partnership - CETP
The CETPartnership Joint Call 2023 is the second annual co-funded call under the CETPartnership and is co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Partnership scheme. For France, the ANR participates to the funding of this call with ADEME and the Pays de la Loire Region.
Ecological connectivity to maximise biodiversity conservation between marine protected areas in the Southwest Indian Ocean - SIOMPA 2023
The Southwest Indian Ocean (SWIO) basin is a globally recognized hotspot of endemism and biodiversity. It is home to many spatially fragmented Marine Protected Areas (MPA), which are essential in maintaining marine ecosystems. A crucial element, which requires further investigation, is the ecological connectivity, often highlighted in the design of MPAs and the guarantees of conservation success.
EIG CONCERT-Japan Digital Transformations and Robotics in Sustainable Agriculture (DTRSA) - édition ANR 2025
European Interest Group (EIG) CONCERT-Japan is an international joint initiative to support and enhance science, technology and innovation (STI) cooperation between European countries and Japan. Formerly an ERA-NET program from 2011 to 2014, EIG CONCERT-Japan has been an independent collaboration since 2015. As a collaborative funding initiative of EIG CONCERT-Japan (the eleventh of CONCERT-Japan, the ninth as an EIG activity), the core members representing 14 countries have decided to implement a joint call for proposals titled of « Digital Transformations and Robotics in Digital Agriculture».
Belmont Forum - FORESTS 2024: Tropical Forests - Global Implications and Pressing Actions
The Belmont Forum, an international partnership of research funding organizations of which ANR is a member, is launching a call for projects recognizing the pressing challenges and opportunities to meet the targets under the Sustainable Development Goals and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework in tropical forests worldwide. This Collaborative Research Action (CRA) aims at coordinating actions and projects with a transdisciplinary approach to develop innovative solutions to the challenges faced in tropical forest regions, Amazonia being the largest and most populated. Acknowledging the differences in governance, cultural diversity, and territorial configuration, this CRA spans tropical forests worldwide that face similar challenges.
1st edition of the Franco-Czech bilateral call for nuclear projects - ANR TACR
France and the Czech Republic have been key players in the European Nuclear Alliance, leading the way in reforming the electricity market. Both governments aim to enhance these collaborations, especially in research cooperation. The French and Czech governments wish to strengthen these ties, particularly through cooperation in the field of research.
General Directorate of International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS) "Center of Excellence" Label
The General Directorate of International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS) of the Ministry of the Armed Forces launched the Higher Education Pact (PES) in 2015 with the objective of guaranteeing its medium-term academic expertise needs in strategic research in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH).
The 2024 Call for Proposals ASTRID : Specific support for Defence Projects and Innovation
The 14th edition of the call for proposals ASTRID – Specific Support for Defence Research Projects and Innovation, operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR) and financed by the French Defence Innovation Agency (AID) is now open to applicants.
Belmont Forum Africa Regional - CRA 2024
The Belmont Forum, an international partnership of research funding organizations of which ANR is a member, is launching a call for projects focusing on a region particularly exposed to climate change and variability: Africa.
Tremplin - ERC Starting Grant (T-ERC StG) - 2024
Designed to improve France’s success rate in European Research Council (ERC) calls, Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) is a funding instrument set up by ANR as part of its Work Programme 2024. T-ERC is open to all ERC research disciplines (LS, PE, SH).