Technologies for health and autonomy - TecSan
The ANR, together with the Caisse Nationale de la Solidarité pour l'Autonomie (CNSA) and the Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA), launches a call for proposals in the domain of "Technologies fo
Facing Societal, Climate & Environmental Changes (SOCENV)
Sciences and societies must jointly confront a double challenge: facing the multiplicity of large scale climate and environmental changes, while preserving the socio-economic and ethical issues highli
Changing societies "Emergence and evolution of cultures and cultural phenomena"
The "Changing societies" programme In a context marked at the same time by new forms of exchange, interdependence and differentiation between cultures, but also by certain forms of globalisation o
Nanotechnologies and Nanosystems - P2N
The P2N programme aims to promote national excellence in the field of micro- and nanoengineering, from basic technologies to devices, and to accelerate the transfer of knowledge toward the French indu
Sustainable Electricity Production and Management
The Sustainable Electricity Production and Management (PROGELEC) programme is based on three former programmes "Intelligent Housing and Photovoltaic Solar Energy (HABISOL)", "Innovative Energy Storage
6th NEURON joint transnational call for European research projects on mental disorders. Transnational section of the ANR call SAMENTA 2013
The ANR joins the ERA-Net NEURON II to launch a sixth call for research proposals to fund research on mental disorders. Sixteen countries from the European Research Area and abroad are joining this ca
Biomedical Innovation in public-private Research Partnership (RPIB)
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is launching a call for proposals (mandatory cooperation between academic and industrial teams) in the domain of biomedical innovation. This call fo
Franco-German call in Social Sciences and the Humanities
The ANR is launching a Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities in collaboration with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). This call aims to fund research projects
Concepts, Systems and Tools for the Global Security (CSOSG)
The French National Research Agency (ANR) launches the 2013 edition of the "Concepts, Systems and Tools for Global Security" Programme in partnership with the Armaments Procurement Agency (DGA) and th
NORFACE ERA-NET "Welfare State Futures"
The NORFACE (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Cooperation in Europe) Network is pleased to announce the new research programme on the topic of Welfare State Futures. The call text and spe