Wireless Inductive Charging to Interoperation Testing
Zero-emission travel, noiseless power trains and driving comfort are big advantages for electric vehicles (EV). One drawback, however, is the limited range that results from the use of smaller batteries to keep the cost down. In the day-to-day usage of such full electric vehicles (FEV) the driver ha
High energy efficiency heat pumps for relectrified vehicles and trains
The ELEC-HP project aims at developing a family of automotive heat pumps to be sustituted to heating by electric resistances. Barriers to overcome are as follows: - use a refrigerant with a GWP < 150, which presents good energy efficiency in heating for -20 °C outdoor temperature and in cooling
COgnitive Radio for RaIlway through Dynamic and Opportunistic spectrum Reuse
To increase quality, reliability, safety and security of Railway systems while increasing accessibility and productivity, modern railway operations rely on ever increasing fluxes of information between operators’ staff workstations, central databases and also field devices widely distributed both by
Characterisation and treatment of particulates emitted by gasoline direct injection engines for an hybrid electric vehicle application
The TRIPTIC-H project meets the following key requirements: - Reduce CO2 emissions: the combined use of hybridization and of a homogeneous GDI engine contributes to achieving the target of 95 g CO2/km by 2020 - Meeting the expectations of the french «plan particules« that targets 30% cutting of fi
Efficient Management for Door-to-Door Freight Service Networks
. . . . The industrial research project RESPET aims to develop quantitative approaches for a central problem in freight transportation : the management of door to door freight transportation services. The problem addressed is characterized by a global optimization of the transportation chains (and
Vehicle Occupant Infrastructure Road User Safety Study
Accidents are always in the center of our main concerns. 2011-2020 was declared «Decade of Action for Road Safety« at World and European level. The sharp decline in the number of fatalities on French roads recorded in the early 2000s tended to be slower in recent years. Moreover, we note the relativ
Improvement of the automotive safety by developing a new method for the inspection of the spot weldings
n/a n/a n/a n/a When a road accident happens, the structure of the vehicle is designed to absorb a part of the energy released by the shock, the objective being to protect as much as possible the occupants of the vehicle. The quality of the assembly, and more particularly the spot weldings, is a key
NOx SCR by urea. Integration of the catalyst in particulate filter for compact pollution control system
Today, no catalytic systems exhibit both a high thermal resistance with an easy coating on/in the DPF. Projects are to work both on the improvements of the SCR catalysts (mainly in terms of thermal resistance) and their coatability in a SiC particulate filter. It is expected to obtain a small size
SAFE MOVE for older drivers
SAFE MOVE objectives were to study the links between the self-estimation of the cognitive capacities and the self-estimation of the driving capacities of the older drivers, the impact of cognitive training program accompanied or not by sessions of on a driving simulator and finally the benefit of AD
Highly compact embedded electromechanical system
The e-MECA project is targeting highly compact embedded electromechanical systems. The work will be focused on 8-12 kW electrical machines for starter generator compatible for mild and full hybrid systems. This type of machine with affordable price has a high potential market value. The industrial