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Silicon-based polymers by catalysed dehydropolymerisations
l’UCP aux côtés de l’EISTI et de l’ESSEC et de la ComUE Paris Seine, a été lauréate de l’Initiative d [...] er le pôle ESR de Cergy-Pontoise en repensant les frontières institutionnelles de plusieurs de ses membres [...] associées, est l’outil de structuration de notre action à destination de l’expérience de tous les usagers.
CAP 20-25
de 3732 publications de rang A (1036 en 2020) sur le périmètre de l’initiative, dont plus de 90% [...] une commission de résolution de conflits qui transmettra ses préconisations au président de l’UCA pour lui [...] La transformation de l’université s’est accompagnée d’une évolution de l’offre de formation prenant davantage
Research Laboratory on Locomotion of the Equine Athlete
This LabCom project, labeled by the “Pôle de Compétitivité de la filière équine Hippolia” perfectly
Multicenter Prospective Cohort of Informal Caregivers in Burgundy and Franche-Comté
(Informal Caregivers of Elderly), initiated by the Pôle de Gérontologie Interrégional Bourgogne & Franche-Comté
Cable-driven parallel robots with on-board active devices
The DexterWide project is endorsed by the PNB (“Pôle de l’industrie nucléaire”). Three archetypal applications
Developing Absorptive Capacity In Collaborative Networks To Foster Innovation in SMEs
To address international competition, SMEs that are often characterised by limited access to resources, have developed innovation projects within collaborative networks (CN). A review of the literature identifies certain capacities that can facilitate innovation within SMES. However, little is known about how SMEs can most effectively mobilise the resources of CNs within their own organisations and how best to collaborate with other companies to maximise success in their innovation projects.
BIOdiversity and ecosystem functioning of MANgroves in French Guiana: prospects for ecOsystem management in the Amazonian system
The issues are:<br />- Qualitative and quantitative inventory of flora and fauna from the mudflats to mangroves<br />- Determine the role of biodiversity on the biogeochemical functionning of mangroves
Betaadrenergic cutaneous vascular remodelling
national referral centre (Centre de Référence pour les maladies rares de la peau, with a special focus on [...] (Inserm U 1034). A partnership within the pole de compétitivité Cancer-Bio-Santé based in Toulouse will build
Multi-component Assembled Architectures incorporating CO2 for Selective Capture of Rare Earth
Rare Earth metals, key ingredients of high technology devices are threatened by a shortage in their supply. This project proposes to develop disruptive technologies involving low-energy costs to capture and recycle those elements from complex mixtures obtained from waste material