DS0302 - Sciences et technologies de production, l'usine numérique

a Physical InterNet cross-docking hUb conTrol System – PI-NUTS

Submission summary

The PI-NUTS (“Physical InterNet cross-docking hUb conTrol System”) project contributes to the Physical Internet (p) field, which is an innovative paradigm, breaking with the usual approaches of current actual logistic systems. The aim of this new paradigm is to fight the unsustainability symptoms in logistics on three points of view:
- From an economical perspective, the goal is to unlock significant gains in global logistics, production and transportation.
- From an environmental point of view, a reduction of the global energy consumption and of the direct and indirect pollution is expected.
- From a societal perspective, the goal is to enhance the quality of life of the different actors (e.g. truckers, logistic workers…) implied in the logistic systems.

The concept of PI is based on a metaphor taken from the Digital Internet. By analogy with data packets, the goods are encapsulated in modular, reusable and smart containers, called p-containers. The p-containers range in modular dimensions from large to small. The ubiquitous usage of p-containers will make it possible for any company to handle and store any company’s products because they will not be handling and storing products per se. The efficient management of cross-docking hubs, enabling quick and synchronized transfer of p-containers in the PI network, is a key element. At this point of development of the Physical Internet, this last issue has been rarely addressed. Despite this, this issue is essential for the successful development of the Physical Internet.

The project focuses on the study of an hybrid control architecture to manage a p-cross-docking hub. The proposed control architecture is intended to be:
- Globally "optimized" to ensure a good overall performance for a p-cross-docking hub (e.g. reduction of the average throughput time of the freight, reduction of the CO2 emissions),
- Locally reactive to permit to the p-containers to face perturbations possibly in cooperation with the others p-hub equipment (e.g. docks, conveyor systems…)
In consequence, from a control point of view, two main issues are considered:
1/ Study of the “activeness” concept: The concept of “activeness” is proposed to increase informational, communicational and decisional capacities of a p-container. An “active” p-container must not be considered as only a « standardized » container with a cargo. It can also play an “active” role in the supply chain management.
2/ Study of an hybrid control architecture: Taking into account “local” and “global” performances, the proposed architecture must be able to deal with uncertainties and perturbations inherent to the cross-docking process. This architecture is composed of two layers (global and local) and is inspired from ORCA (dynamic Architecture for an Optimized and Reactive Control) developed in the TEMPO-PSI team.
This research project is clearly relevant of the axis 3.3.2 dealing with intelligent/communicating objects and interoperability between actors of logistic networks.

For the project success, the expertise and the experiences of the three partners are totally complementary. The TEMPO-PSI team experience in the distributed control field is essential in a logistic application where intelligent containers play a major role. The collaboration with the CIRRELT-Laval University (team of B. Montreuil) and CGS-Mines ParisTech (team of E. Ballot) is essential on several points:
- These two research teams are at the origin of the concept of Physical Internet and can refine the corresponding issues of the project.
- The experience of these two teams is capital to define a good case study.

The requested ANR grant will be mainly used to fund two PhD students: the first during 36 months (directed by TEMPO-PSI) and the second during 9 months (directed by CGS). 10 months of a CGS permanent researcher will be equally taken into account in the demand.

Project coordination

Yves SALLEZ (Laboratoire TEMPO (Thermique Ecoulement Mécanique Matériaux Mise en forme PrOduction))

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


Université Laval CIRRELT (Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les réseaux d'entreprise, la logistique et le transport)
TEMPO Laboratoire TEMPO (Thermique Ecoulement Mécanique Matériaux Mise en forme PrOduction)
ARMINES (CGS) ARMINES Centre de Gestion Scientifique de Mines ParisTech

Help of the ANR 199,923 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: September 2014 - 42 Months

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