ASTRID - Accompagnement Spécifique de Travaux de Recherches et d'Innovation Défense

Novel methods of calculus in vicinity of a perfectly or imperfectly conducting surface that can be composed of metamaterials, and applications to generic cases. – TREMA

Submission summary

The development of computational methods for the simulation are a major issue for our industries, product design and understanding of the physical phenomena involved.
These developments, focused on analytical methods dealing with the radiation of generic objects in electromagnetism have the advantages :
- to calculate faster than a conventional numerical method of discretization,
- to allow for easier parameterization of the influence of each contributor in terms of its geometry, its electrical characteristics, and illumination,
- To facilitate understanding, forecasting and analysis of diffraction behavior.
They are the subject of this proposal. It should be noted that, while these studies focus on generic objects, their generalizations about complex objects remain quite possible by associating each elementary contribution.

The study described in our application under the ASTRID project is coordinated by the CEA, and is scheduled over a total period of 3 years. It focuses on three tasks:

First task: Calculation of electromagnetic radiation of a small element on a 3D imperfectly conductive structure.
Second task: Calculation of near-field electromagnetic coupling between two dielectric multilayer antenna elements.
Third task: Developments for rapid calculation of the physical optics near-field on large structures.

Identifying new methods of calculation will be conducted by Mr. Bernard CEA (researcher at CEA-DIF DPTA and Research Associate at the CMLA ENS Cachan) who works in the research of new methods for diffraction by imperfectly conducting body.
MBDA, which is directly interested in the possible applications of analytical expressions in this field will participate in validation on generic cases and carry out the synthesis of its own work. MBDA will use experts in their particular computer codes in exact methods (DECLIC, ASERIS), as asymptotic methods (SERMAT, DESCARTES). These codes have been widely tested in the context of complex industrial projects and are now regarded by the scientific community, as references. In addition, very trusted and close relationship that has MBDA within the EADS group and especially with the business unit Airbus and Eurocopter Cassidian, allow MBDA to identify civilian needs encountered in these problems.
The proposed work will benefit especially from research undertaken by Mr. Bernard on the Green function near field for a multilayer imperfectly conducting plane (QJMAM publication, pp. 237-266, 63, 3, 2010) and may take into account Materials of passive or active metamaterials.

Project coordination


The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.



Help of the ANR 286,412 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: January 2012 - 36 Months

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