Topology optimization of though SiC-based 3D architectures for efficient high temperature heat generation driven by radiative transfers – ORCHESTRA
Additive manufacturing processes have opened the doors for the conception of high temperature energy systems (volumetric solar receivers, gas-to-gas heat exchangers, radiant tube inserts) based on highly porous ceramics with 3D tailored geometries. New architectures are now accessible (triply periodic minimal surfaces, hierarchical structures) but their thermal and mechanical performances remain questionable especially when they are used under harsh environment (T>1300 K, high-temperature gradient ? 500 K, high heat flux ? MW/m2). The fine control of the 3D spatial distribution of both radiative heat and fluid flows is crucial here to push back the current limitations. To make a decisive breakthrough in this topic, ORCHESTRA will gather a multidisciplinary consortium (LTeN, GeM, IFPEN, IRCER) whose objective will be to print SiC-based ceramics whose 3D architectures will be settled through advanced topology optimisation approaches, taking into account radiative transfers and all the coupled physics. A fast 3D numerical image-based pore-scale methodology under HPC environment based on voxel finite element methods will be then developed in order to finely reproduce the thermo-mechanical behaviours of the 3D architectures up to failure at high temperatures. Then the selected architectures will be elaborated by coupling the robocasting process and the polymer-derived ceramics route. In addition, new experimental (energy conversion, thermal shocks) facilities will be also implemented to determine both the thermal efficiencies and mechanical performances of the as-grown architectures. Finely, the confrontation of the numerical results with those obtained through the experimental part of OCHESTRA will allow us to define a robust methodology to design improved high temperature energy systems.
Project coordination
Benoit Rousseau (Laboratoire de Thermique et d'Energie de Nantes CNRS)
The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.
IRCER institut de recherche sur les céramiques
GeM Institut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique
IFPEN IFP Energies nouvelles
LTeN Laboratoire de Thermique et d'Energie de Nantes CNRS
Help of the ANR 541,646 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project:
September 2022
- 48 Months