CE07 - Chimie moléculaire et procédés associés pour une chimie durable

Hock and interrupted Hock reactions: mechanisms, reaction design and synthetic applications – RHOCKI

Hock and interrupted Hock reactions

Mechanisms, reaction design and synthetic applications

Main issues and objectives

RHOCKI will thus target three objectives:<br />? Demonstration of the mechanism of this reaction and determination of key parameters;<br />? Design of new reactions based on interrupted Hock processes, as supported by computation;<br />? Applications of Hock and interrupted Hock reactions in synthesis of valuable compounds.

This project aims at studying the mechanism of the Hock rearrangement, an oxidative cleavage of allylic or benzylic hydroperoxides into carbonyl compounds, and at expending its application scope thanks to a combination of experimental and theoretical studies. This acid-catalyzed rearrangement indeed produces a reactive oxocarbonium intermediate that could be exploited in numerous tandem synthetic methods involving reactions with appropriate nucleophiles, thus interrupting the classical Hock mechanism.

- First development of a methodology of interrupted Hock reaction
- First DFT calculation on this fondamental reaction, showing a phenonium intermediate
- Application to the synthesis of valuable compounds

- Development and scope of the methodology of interrupted Hock reaction
- Further DFT calculation on this fondamental reaction, showing the influence of substituents
- Application to the synthesis of valuable compounds


This project aims at studying the mechanism of the Hock rearrangement, an oxidative cleavage of allylic or benzylic hydroperoxides into carbonyl compounds, and at expending its application scope in organic synthesis thanks to a combination of experimental and theoretical studies. This acid-catalyzed rearrangement indeed produces a reactive oxocarbonium intermediate that could be exploited in numerous tandem synthetic methods involving reactions with various nucleophiles, thus interrupting the classical Hock mechanism. RHOCKI will thus target three objectives:
1. Demonstration of the mechanism of this reaction and determination of key parameters;
2. Design of new reactions based on interrupted Hock processes, as supported by computation;
3. Applications of Hock and interrupted Hock reactions in synthesis of valuable compounds.
By revisiting the Hock rearrangement, RHOCKI thus proposes an ambitious and eco-compatible strategy for the development of new reactions.

Project coordination

Bastien Nay (Laboratoire de Synthèse Organique)

The author of this summary is the project coordinator, who is responsible for the content of this summary. The ANR declines any responsibility as for its contents.


L.S.O Laboratoire de Synthèse Organique
LCM Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire
LCT Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique

Help of the ANR 319,318 euros
Beginning and duration of the scientific project: September 2019 - 48 Months

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