Selected – 2023

6th Joint Transnational Call of the FLAG-ERA ERA-NET

The FLAG-ERA ERA-NET (Flagship ERA-NET) brings together most of the European regional and national funding agencies and aims to contribute to the two European initiatives Graphene Flagship and Human Brain Project - EBRAINS, notably by launching dedicated transnational calls for projects.

The FLAG-ERA ERA-NET (Flagship ERA-NET) brings together most of the European regional and national funding agencies and aims to contribute to the two European initiatives Graphene Flagship and Human Brain Project - EBRAINS, notably by launching dedicated transnational calls for projects.

The FLAG-ERA JTC 2023 multilateral call for projects is the 5th call launched in this framework. It brings together 14 funding agencies from 13 European countries (BE, BG, EE, DE, FR, IL, LT, NL, RO, SE, SI, SK and TW). The call is subdivided into three sub-calls, one for basic research in connection with Graphene Flagship, one for applied research and innovation in connection with this same initiative, and one for basic and applied research in connection with Human Brain Project - EBRAINS. ANR participates in all three sub-calls, but some other agencies participate in only some of them. The list of agencies participating in each sub-call is indicated in the transnational call for projects available on the FLAG-ERA website indicated below.

Proposals will be submitted in one step. Project proposals, written in English, must be submitted by the coordinator on the call's submission site, following the format and procedures available on the site:

Interested teams are invited to contact potential partners and use the partner search tool available on the call page, and/or publish an expression of interest on this tool.

Partners of selected projects will be funded directly by their national or regional agency. Consequently, local regulations are applicable. In particular, French partners must take note of the document "Participation modalities for Partners applying for ANR funding", available on this page.

Opening : 2023-04-19 at 14:00 CEST
Application Deadline : 2023-06-01 at 17:00 CEST

Access to documents

The document "Participation modalities for Partners applying for ANR support" is only available on this page. All the other documents and in particular the text of the AAP and the proposal form to be completed are available on the FLAG-ERA website:

Submission modalities

Proposals must be submitted online on the submission platform, whose URL is available on the FLAG-ERA website:

Contact point

Daniela Craciun
French National Research Agency
Tel.: +33178098032


Consult the upcoming and current calls of the portal

The portal centralises all information on calls for proposals and calls for applications from ADEME, ANR, Inserm including ANRS, Anses and INCa. It provides a simplified access to upcoming and ongoing calls, giving a greater visibility to funding opportunities. Following their closing date, the calls remain published for a few months.


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