Centres d'excellences Laboratoires d'excellence

Cinétique chimique et Aérothermodynamique pour des Propulsions et des Systèmes Energétiques Propres


Mots-clés : Cinétique chimique; Aérothermodynamique; Propulsions; Systèmes Energétiques Propres; Combustion, Plasmas, Modélisation


The LabEx CAPRYSSES (UPR 3021 CNRS ICARE, Orléans, EA 4229 PRISME, Orléans Univ. and INSA-CVL, Bourges, and UMR 7344 GREMI CNRS-Orleans Univ. The project total staff is ~160. The objectives are to promote interactions among its expertise areas (chemical kinetics, fluid dynamics, plasma) to better understand their coupling in energy production, propulsion, chemical explosions, and flow control to improve combustion efficiency and aerodynamic performance. CAPRYSSES plays a major role in the organization of research in Region CVL and collaborates with the Labex EMC3 and VOLTAIRE. The CAPRYSSES teams have demonstrated their ability to raise external funds thanks to the leverage effect of the Labex. CAPRYSSES has supported 32 doctoral projects, 27 post-doctoral projects, 3 research engineers and 28 projects of invited international researchers. Awards/Distinctions: 1 ERC Advanced Grant; 1 B. Gelfand Medal (Russian Acad. Sci.), 2014; Innovation Awards 1* France 2015 Prize of the MBDA group; 2030 World Innovation Competition Prize (Remetox), 2015; Public Research Energy-Environment-Climate Trophy 2015 (CO2 EnergiCapt); 1 CNRS Silver Medal, 2016; 1 Egerton Gold Medal, the Combustion Institute, 2016; 1 ERC Starting Grant 2017; 1 Energy Transition Trophy in "Technologies", 2017; 1 P. Laffitte Prize for best combustion thesis 2017, 1 International Prize from the Combustion Society of Japan, 2023, the Combustion Institute French Section, The first innovation prize (iPhD) by Bpifrance, received by B. Legros, 2023, 9 researchers of CAPRYSSES became Fellow of The Combustion Institute. In 2023, we published 17 papers in peer-reviewed international journals. A CAPRYSSES researcher received a Distinguished Paper Award by The Combustion Institute for a paper presented at The International Symposium on Combustion (2022). Members of CAPRYSSES  participate to Chaire ACXEME. The scientific production is on HAL: hal-univ-orleans.archives-ouvertes.fr/CAPRYSSES/


L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : CAPRYSSES
Référence projet : 11-LABX-0006
Région du projet : Centre-Val de Loire
Discipline : 2 - SMI
Aide PIA : 4 925 743 €
Début projet : février 2012
Fin projet : décembre 2025

Coordination du projet : Philippe DAGAUT
Email : philippe.dagaut@cnrs-orleans.fr

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Université d'Orléans
Partenaire(s) : INSA Centre Val de Loire, CNRS Centre Poitou Charentes (Orléans)

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