Santé et Bio technologies Infrastructures

Développement d'une infrastructure française distribuée pour la métabolomique dédiée à l'innovation


Mots-clés : Métabolomique, Fluxomique, métabolisme, santé, plantes, biotechnologies


Metabolomics (identification & quantification of small molecules in the living world) and fluxomics (measurement of velocities of metabolic reactions in biological system studied) are two technological fields at the service of modern biology. Applications cover all areas of life sciences from agriculture to health, environment and biotechnology. Since 2013, national infrastructure MetaboHUB (MTH) addresses key critical priorities in metabolomics, fluxomics and bioinformatics. to (i) provide high throughput metabolomics from cells to populations, (ii) annotate metabolomes, (iii) develop broadband flux measurements, (iv) provide access to high value-added services to national scientific community and industry players, (v) attract and train a new generation of scientists and users. One key outcome in 2023 is the multi-site assessment of NMR quantification, for which an inter-laboratory test to assess the impact of NMR software, peak-area determination method, and operator variability on quantification accuracy and precision was conducted. Moreover, Thus, MTH is the first national infrastructure in health and biology to carry out its annual greenhouse gas emissions assessment across all its 15 sites (1724 t eCO2 for MTH; 11,4 t eCO2/pers). The ambition of MTH 2.0 is to draw on its unique analytical, digital and human capacity in order to develop a technological offer that cannot be achieved by an isolated facility. Today, MTH’s scientific objective is to take integrative biology to a level never before achieved. This ranges from large-scale metabolic phenotyping (several tens of thousands of samples) to the detailed study of molecular processes (from the single cell to the individual and the population). MTH has the critical mass and expertise in data generation, analysis and interpretation, required to participate into the European & international research together with other European large structures, and to effectively contribute to international programs.


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Informations générales

Acronyme projet : METABOHUB
Référence projet : 11-INBS-0010
Région du projet : Occitanie
Discipline : 5 - Bio Med
Aide PIA : 12 900 000 €
Début projet : décembre 2012
Fin projet : juin 2025

Coordination du projet : Fabien JOURDAN
Email :

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : INRAE Centre Occitanie - Toulouse
Partenaire(s) : CEA Saclay

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