Santé et Bio technologies Instituts Hospitalo-Universitaires

Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Imagine


Mots-clés : Maladies génétiques; maladies rares; recherche translationnelle; soins; innovation


 In 2022, the Institute deployed a rich program that included high-value scientific research as well as numerous actions allowing science to nurture other fields around genetic diseases.


Among the highlights of the year were: (i)High-level scientific publications highlighting discoveries on rare diseases (ii) Coordination of 3 RHU (and involvement into 2 others as partner)  (iii) recurrent success in obtaining highly competitive European grants, (iv) development of new clinical trials for future treatments (v) three start-up currently under creation thanks to Springboard accelerator, (vi) a record Carnot’s grant reflecting the dynamism of our industrial partnerships, (vii) a consolidation of IHU France alliance with the publication of a White paper illustrating the effectiveness of the IHU model, (viii) and finally, a strong involvement in the Institute's Societal & HSS programs and the second forum dedicated to patient associations.


Imagine Institute also had an intense internal agenda including the election of its future director, known as the "Elected Director", who will take office in January 2025. The new research team in neurogenetics selected in 2021 and a new ATIP-Avenir team have been welcomed. In addition, an international call for the renewal of the direction of 4 laboratories has been launched. Two major elements for the life of the IHU Imagine also took place in 2022: the creation of an Ethics committee and the validation of the affiliation of the Federation of Genetics and Genomic Medicine.


 The surge of generosity that started in 2021 continues to accompany the scientific and institutional trajectory with the Capital Campaign reaching a total of 20 million Euros and Heroes Diner 4th edition that has allowed the collection of 8,2 millions of euros. More than ever in 2022, Imagine's ambition is to change the lives of families affected by genetic diseases, through its 4 complementary missions: research, innovative care, teaching and valorization.






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Informations générales

Acronyme projet : Imagine
Référence projet : 10-IAHU-0001
Région du projet : Île-de-France
Discipline : 5 - Bio Med
Aide PIA : 81 729 163 €
Début projet : juin 2011
Fin projet : décembre 2024

Coordination du projet : Stanislas LYONNET
Email :

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Fondation IMAGINE
Partenaire(s) : AP-HP, INSERM Paris 13, Département de Paris, Association Française contre les Myopathies (Paris), Fondation Hôpitaux de France -Hôpitaux de Paris, Université de Paris

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