Santé et Bio technologies Instituts Hospitalo-Universitaires

Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Imagine


Mots-clés : Maladies génétiques; maladies rares; recherche translationnelle; soins; innovation


2023 ended on a positive note at Imagine, thanks to a number of successes: two new RHUs, bringing to 7 the number of RHUs supported by or involving the Institute, several awards for our start-ups, and a clear acceleration in donations, which shows just how much the subject of genetic diseases touches everyone's heart. Among the highlights of the year were also high-level scientific publications highlighting discoveries on rare diseases and recurrent success in obtaining highly competitive European grants. 2023 also confirmed that the Institute is a partner recognised by industry, with a record number of partnerships this year, as well as by the media, which increasingly highlight your talents and discoveries. The strong involvement in the Institute's Societal & HSS programs remained undiminished notably with the launching of the project “Patient Partnership in Research” with the aim of creating the framework for integrating patient partners to the research projects. The number of clinical trials taking place within the Institute's affiliated CRMRs has been steadily increasing since the creation of the IHU. Imagine has proven its ability to boost translational research in genetic diseases by demonstrating its capacity to bring its projects to the clinic. Finally, one of the great successes of the end of 2023 was undoubtedly the recognition of the high level of scientific and medical excellence of Imagine by the HCERES committee during its visit in December.


The work on the Imagine IHU's strategic roadmap for the period 2025-2030 has already started, lead by Bana Jabri, ahead of his appointment as director in January 2025. 2024 will mark 10 years of Imagine in the architectural sense: 10 years of challenges, demands and hard work, but which have never ceased to confirm the exemplarity, commitment and dedication that drive researchers and clinicians every day all motivated by the same mission: to change the lives of children and families affected by genetic diseases.


L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : Imagine
Référence projet : 10-IAHU-0001
Région du projet : Île-de-France
Discipline : 5 - Bio Med
Aide PIA : 83 443 137 €
Début projet : June 2011
Fin projet : June 2025

Coordination du projet : Bana JABRI
Email :

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Fondation IMAGINE
Partenaire(s) : AP-HP, INSERM Paris 13, Département de Paris, Association Française contre les Myopathies (Paris), Fondation Hôpitaux de France -Hôpitaux de Paris, Université Paris Cité

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