ORA-Chine - ORA-Chine Économie verte et Comprendre les dynamiques de la population

SINCERE (Sino-European Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency) – SINCERE


Sino-European Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency


1. To develop new indicators for measuring the circular economy/resource efficiency;<br />2. To develop new quantitative tools based on multi-scale modelling approaches, i.e. from the urban to the global scale, enabling policymakers and researchers to explore the macro-economic implications of different scenarios of resource efficiency;<br />3. To understand the drivers and barriers to innovation that enables greater resource efficiency, and the policy frameworks that are best suited to facilitating the development of innovation for resource efficiency;<br />4. To understand historical influence of circular economy and resource efficiency on economic performance, the role of trade (particularly between China and Europe) in stimulating or inhibiting resource efficiency, innovation and patenting activities and industrial structure;<br />5. To bring greater clarity to the concepts of circular economy and resource efficiency, and how they related to concept as diverse as sustainable development, Green economy, steady-state economy, low carbon development and many others.<br />6. To build collaborative working relationships between the institutions, building on each partner's strength and network to develop a very integrated workplan where Chinese and European partners collaborate in each single work package with shared tasks and joint production of shared deliverables which will constitute the building block on which future collaborations can be established.

Academic research on resource efficiency and circular economy is hampered by several important constraints, which SINCERE will help overcome. There is some conceptual ambiguity in the literature around core concepts, resource efficiency and circular economy, also green economy, etc.
There is a need to develop better metrics and indicators for RE/CE that will provide basis for further research - they can be applied by others interested in RE/CE both within academia and beyond.
The evidence base on the economic importance of resource efficiency, and the dynamics of innovation, is weaker than for other key green economy issues such as decarbonisation. The historic dynamics work will provide insight into this issue, itself a direct contribution to the research field. It will also yield quantitative relationships that can be used as a basis for further analysis, e.g. as inputs into modelling frameworks. It is expected that the findings will be useful for theoreticians
The innovation work will provide data and insights relevant to understanding innovation opportunities and dynamics of a core case study sector (metals), and will contribute to further conceptual development in the field of innovation studies. It will provide a rare example of an empirically rich comparative innovation system study for China and Europe.
A broad-based community of modellers will benefit from the innovative and challenging approach to multi-model integration proposed. The linkage of macro-economic and technology-explicit sectoral models will provide important methodological insights, benefiting the respective modelling communities. It will also highlight the importance of key issues in achieving resource efficiency, thus helping to focus future research in this area.




Coordination du projet

Matthieu Glachant (ARMINES)

L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.


CAS-IAE (Shenyang) Chinese Academy of Science, Institute of Applied Ecology (IAE)
Maastricht University (MERIT) Maastricht University, Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation andTechnology (MERIT)
VWL, Uni Wuppertal Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre Makroökonomische Theorie und Politik Bergische Universität Wuppertal
UCL, ISR University College London, Institute of Sustainable Ressources

Aide de l'ANR 82 805 euros
Début et durée du projet scientifique : octobre 2014 - 36 Mois

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