– ResiPreS
Prenatal stress (PS), i.e. maternal stress during pregnancy, is associated with an increased risk to develop psychopathologies. In particular we have recently documented in a rodent model that PS leads to PTSD-like memory deficits in only a subset of mice, highlighting the suitability of this model to study the mechanisms underlying resilience/vulnerability to the deleterious effects of stress. Based on preliminary studies, we have identified that this phenotype may rely on abnormalities in the functional balance between developmentally- born and adult-born neurons in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, which is crucial for the control of emotional memory. The aim of this highly collaborative proposal is thus to investigate whether resilience/vulnerability to develop a PTSD-like phenotype in PS subjects is associated with differences in: i) the anatomical and functional properties of developmentally-born and adult-born dentate granule neurons, ii) their gene expression profile, iii) their activity in the hippocampal network, using state of the art transgenic, transcriptomic, and large-scale electrophysiological approaches. Once the relevant target populations of cells or genes are identified, we also plan to test causality by pharmacogenetic / gene targeting approaches using state-of-the-art viral tools. Altogether, this project should unveil relevant therapeutic targets in preventing stress-related disorders.
Coordination du projet
L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.
Aide de l'ANR 821 056 euros
Début et durée du projet scientifique :
septembre 2024
- 36 Mois