Centres d'excellences Laboratoires d'excellence

PLASMAS à PARIS, au delà des frontières


Mots-clés : plasmas ; physics ; astrophysics ; chemistry; engineering ; fusion ; environment ; space ; lasers ; synchrotrons ; ion beams


PLAS@PAR gathers scientists from the Paris area working on plasmas in natural or laboratory environments. Together, they study these systems in a large variety of temperatures and densities: fundamental processes (atomic & molecular physics, chemistry), astrophysics, fusion science, laser generated, atmospheric pressure.


Research and teaching actions thought in a synergic way, are stimulated by the perspectives offered by large-scale facilities of different disciplines (APOLLON, ELI, SPIRAL2/GANIL, LMJ, ITER, MMS, SOLEIL, GENCI, FAIR/GSI), and by the multiple applications of plasmas in everyday life, from depollution to aerospace and health.


Together with large contribution to the Master’s degree offered in Ile de France, PLAS@PAR plays a significant role in SU Bachelor’s program through new hands-on activities and by organizing its International Plasma Summer School. It also supports international student mobility (L3-M1 internships, M2 scholarship, PhD positions) and provides training to future high school physics teachers. With EPFL, it contributes today to a MOOC teaching on plasma physics.


Communication and outreach actions completes the efforts towards a general audience. In 2018, a large event was organised on the relation of plasmas and arts together with Centre Pompidou.



For 2018, we underline a very innovative experiment performed at SLAC (USA) on the resonant pumping of He like ions, the study of thermal heating in the treatment of cancers by plasmas, new results on the lentil germination and stem growth by water activated by plasma (LPP), the selection of the ERC GENESIS on the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements in a plasma medium using ultra intense lasers like APOLLON as also the selection of the ITN project PIONEER on CO2 recycling through plasma.


L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : PLAS@PAR
Référence projet : 11-LABX-0062
Région du projet : Île-de-France
Discipline : 3 - STUE
Aide PIA : 7 500 000 €
Début projet : février 2012
Fin projet : décembre 2019

Coordination du projet : Chantal STEHLE
Email : chantal.stehle@obspm.fr

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : Sorbonne Université
Partenaire(s) : Université de Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie), Observatoire de Paris, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau, Ecole Normale supérieure de Paris, Office National Etudes Recherches Aerospatiale, CNRS Michel Ange, CNRS Ile-de-France Meudon, Université Paris-Saclay, CY Cergy Paris Université

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