Santé et Bio technologies Biotech - Bioressources

Optimisation de la teneur et du rendement en huile chez le colza cultivé sous contrainte azotée


Mots-clés : Oilseed rape; Nitrogen use efficiency; Oil yield; N crop management; New genetic variability


RAPSODYN aims to improve seed yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in oilseed rape (OSR) crop. It is designed to support the competitiveness of the French OSR sector and meet societal demand for sustainable and high quality agricultural products. It will provide innovative breakthroughs in breeding methods and agricultural practices in OSR. At M102, 92.9% of the deliverables was achieved.


Genetic resources have been deeply characterized by genotyping or sequencing. A number of genetic maps have been released for bi-parental mapping populations, specific markers were developed for selected loci and sequence capture has revealed new variability in genes with high suspicion of involvement in NUE (WP1). A new genome assembly is about to be released. Field evaluation under contrasting N levels and genetic analyses led to QTL identification for seed yield or NUE (WP3), a subset of 3 was confirmed into elite backgrounds (WP4). A multilocal network trial was used to decipher the genetic control of GxE and GxN interactions (WP3-4). Genetic variability for the NUE components is under investigation at the canopy, plant and organ levels using advanced phenotyping tools (WP2). Tools and resources are available through the RAPSODYN information system portal to collect, follow and analyze the project data (WP5). For economic issues (T4.6), a transversal analysis of OSR sectors in France, Germany and Canada allowed addressing the impact of the different regulations on NUE improvement. Finally, communication tools include: public website, collaborative workspace, 3 brochures, 3 newsletters, 1 booklet and a short movie. Results were disseminated in 20 publications, 74 communications, 9 theses and 19 master internships (WP6). Management is ensured by regular meetings of the GC, ExCom or WP, and annual project meetings (WP7). The intellectual property is ensured by the consortium agreement, IP committees and dedicated tools.


L'auteur de ce résumé est le coordinateur du projet, qui est responsable du contenu de ce résumé. L'ANR décline par conséquent toute responsabilité quant à son contenu.

Informations générales

Acronyme projet : RAPSODYN
Référence projet : 11-BTBR-0004
Région du projet : Bretagne
Discipline : 4 - Agro Eco
Aide PIA : 6 000 000 €
Début projet : juin 2012
Fin projet : juin 2021

Coordination du projet : Nathalie NESI
Email :

Consortium du projet

Etablissement coordinateur : INRA Le Rheu
Partenaire(s) : INRA Versailles-Grignon, Biogemma, TERRES INOVIA, Euralis Semences, Limagrain Europe, Maisadour Semences, RAGT R2N, Syngenta France, Université de Caen Normandie, INRA PACA, CNRS Bretagne Pays de Loire (Rennes), IRSTEA Antony

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