Changement climatique, migrations et systeme de santé
Mots-clés : Changement climatique, migrations, résilience, systèmes de santé, santé publique
The ClimHB initiative is a research project to analyse the resilience of healthcare systems in Haiti and Bangladesh. The project specifically focuses on assessing healthcare access and the health status of populations living in areas highly susceptible to climate change and mobility challenges. Using a mixed-method approach combining qualitative and quantitative data collection, the project conducted empirical inquiry across four data collection sites. Bangladesh’s research sites are Tala in the southwest and Duaripara slum in the capital of Dhaka. Haiti's sites are Môle Saint-Nicolas in the north and Grand’Anse in the south. The main objective of the research is to map local events that have perturbed the health system, such as natural disasters, outbreaks, or long-term environmental transformations. In addition, the project aims to identify the mobility patterns of the population and their adaptation strategies in response to such events. The analysis aims to understand how disruptions to the health system affect local communities and how the health system responds to these challenges locally. Due to the rising insecurities and political unrest in Haiti, only the qualitative phase has been conducted. In Haiti, only the qualitative phase was conducted due to rising insecurity and political unrest. During the Covid-19 pandemic, we became interested in international migration in Europe. To investigate this issue, we initiated a participatory research project and produced four short films featuring Bangladeshi migrants living in France. Our participatory approach allowed us to explore various challenges to accessing healthcare, including language barriers and the right to social security. International teams from Haiti (ESIH), Bangladesh (JPGSPH, Brac University), and Germany (Heidelberg University) attended two workshops in Paris for the project launch (December 2019) and closure (November 2023).
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Informations générales
Acronyme projet : CLIMHB
Référence projet : 18-MPGA-0010
Région du projet : Île-de-France
Discipline : 6 - SHS
Aide PIA : 749 994 €
Début projet : janvier 2019
Fin projet : janvier 2024
Coordination du projet : Valéry RIDDE
Email :
Consortium du projet
Etablissement coordinateur : IRD Marseille