2016 Joint Call « Sustainable management of water resources in agriculture, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sectors »
from countries participating in the FACCE-JPI and/or Water JPI. The Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) [...] research and innovation (R&I). In particular, the Water JPI responds to the grand challenge of “ Achieving [...] Economy in Europe and Abroad ”, while the FACCE JPI is dedicated to meeting the challenge of “ Ensuring
2017 Joint Call : “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”
related to water challenges for implementing the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda ( SRIA [...] the Call Announcement, available on the Water JPI website .
2022 Joint FACCE-JPI and Suscrop call for proposals on Agrobiodiversity
Both initiatives FACCE-JPI and SusCrop have identified and flagged “Agrobiodiversity” as a key topic to promote and sustainable and resilient crop production in agriculture. Therefore, FACCE-JPI and SusCrop have decided to join forces to put in place a joint Call for research projects addressing agrobiodiversity, with the following purpose:
A European call for proposals on sustainable urban development
established by the Joint Programming Initiative (JPI) Urban Europe in order to initiate a transnational [...] to find partners for submitting proposals. JPI Urban Europe Call Secretariat: Johannes Bockstefl
A call for European projects on the Interrelation of the Intestinal microbiome, Diet and Health.
Initiative “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” (JPI HDHL) ( [...] projects that are already funded through the previous JPI HDHL Joint Action ‘Intestinal Microbiomics’ (further [...] [+33 (0)1 78 09 80 22] Dr. Martine Batoux
A call for Transnational Research Proposals on "Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health"
ER: +33 (0)1 78 09 80 22 Dr. Martine BATOUX: JPI-HDHLCa [...] Initiative “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” (JPI HDHL) has been established to coordinate research [...] ERA-NET Cofund instrument (named ERA-HDHL), the JPI HDHL aims to provide a robust platform for implementing
A joint Belmont Forum & JPI Urban Europe call for proposals on Food-Water-Energy Nexus in a sustainable urbanization context
Within the framework of the JPI Urban Europe and the Belmont Forum, ANR is launching, in collaboration [...] Find out more: http://www.b
ANR signs a protocol with TÜBITAK in Turkey
On 27 January 2014, in the context of the official visit of French President François Hollande in Turkey, Prof. Yücel Altunbaşak, President of TÜBITAK, the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey and Pascale Briand, Director General of the French National Research Agency, signed a protocol. This protocol consolidates the existing relations between both organisations, and provides for the funding of joint research projects between French and Turkish teams.
Addressing adverse and beneficial effects of food ingredients and food processing on hypersensitivities to food (FOOD_HYPERSENS)
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with nine countries (Belgium, Germany, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Spain and United Kingdom) is launching a sixth call for proposals under the ERA-NET ERA-HDHL. The initiative aims to promote international research on nutrition and health. The global budget for this action will be of 6,9 millions of euros.
Announcement: a joint call supporting international cooperation activities on water launched
ANR is teaming up with funding partner organisations from 12 countries for a joint transnational call on "Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals". It is implemented by the Water JPI in the framework of the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) IC4WATER.