JPI Climate: transforming Europe’s future through climate issues
Few issues are of greater importance for Europe’s common future than climate change. For several months now, ANR has chaired this inter-governmental initiative which works to secure a better future for Europe, protecting its citizens and natural wealth through informed and inclusive action in the shift toward more sustainable development trajectories.
Water research in Europe: ANR coordinates the Water JPI
The European Joint Programming Initiative "Water Challenges for a Changing World" (Water JPI) aims at reinforcing Europe's leadership and competitiveness in the area of water research and innovation, while fostering preservation of the resource. In November 2014 ANR took the chair and coordination responsibility for the JPI. Let's focus on this flagship initiative, the day after the World Water Day 2015.
Pre-announcement: Water JPI 2018 Joint Call “Closing the Water Cycle Gap – Improving Sustainable Management of Water Resources”
The Water JPI will soon open its 5th Joint Call within the ERA-NET Cofund program WaterWorks2017. This joint call aims to address research and innovation to support the implementation of EU water policy, on the thematic area “Closing the Water Cycle Gap” of the Water JPI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA).
Antibiotic Resistance: Coordinating Research at the Supra-national Level
The first ever World Antibiotic Awareness Week is currently underway. Today also happens to be European Antibiotic Awareness Day. These campaigns, initiated respectively by the World Health Organisation and the European Centre for Disease Control, are an opportunity for ANR to highlight its involvement in the Joint Programming Initiative “Antimicrobial Resistance” (JPI AMR).
Announcement: a joint call supporting international cooperation activities on water launched
ANR is teaming up with funding partner organisations from 12 countries for a joint transnational call on "Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals". It is implemented by the Water JPI in the framework of the Coordination and Support Action (CSA) IC4WATER.
Launching of an international call on the social challenges of extended working life
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is launching, together with partners from ten European countries and Canada, a new call for transnational proposals on extended working life and its interaction with health and well-being. This call comes within the framework of the Joint Programming Initiative “More Years Better Lives” that ANR has joined recently. Deadline for proposal submission: 2<sup>nd</sup> June 2015.
Preliminary announcement: a call for European projects on Nutrition and Epigenome
The French National Research Agency will launch, in partnership with 8 countries, the third ERA-HDHL joint call for funding transnational research projects on “Nutrition and Epigenome”. The call is scheduled to be opened on February 6<sup>th</sup> 2018.
Preannouncement: a European call for proposals on sustainable and resilient agriculture soon to be online
Along with its partners from the Joint Programming Initiative “FACCE”, the French National Research Agency will launch a call for European projects on sustainable and resilient agriculture for food and non-food systems. This European initiative entitled “FACCE SURPLUS” gathers 14 countries. The call is expected to open on January 7, 2015.
JPI OCEANS: Launching of a first international call for proposals in the area of marine environment contaminants
ANR, in collaboration with its European partners, has just launched a brand new international call for proposals on the ecological aspects of microplastics in the marine environment. This call comes under the Joint Programming Initiative "JPI OCEANS". The deadline for submitting projects is 31st March 2015.
Water JPI : un séminaire de réflexion sur les défis de l’eau en France et en Europe
Jeudi 28 février à Paris, s’est déroulé le séminaire national « Les Défis de l’Eau en France et en Europe » organisé par le Ministère de la transition écologique et solidaire (MTES), l’Alliance nationale de recherche pour l’environnement AllEnvi, l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), et l’Initiative de Programmation Conjointe Eau (la Water JPI).