Transnational call on the prevention of unhealthy weight gain and obesity during crucial phases throughout the lifespan (HDHL-INTIMIC PREPHOBES)
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with 9 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, The Netherlands and Spain) is launching a fourth call for proposals through the ERA-NET HDHL-INTIMIC. The initiative aims to promote international research on nutrition and health. The global budget for this action will be of about 6,8 millions of euros.
2017 Joint Call : “Water resource management in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”
related to water challenges for implementing the Water JPI Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda ( SRIA [...] the Call Announcement, available on the Water JPI website .
International call for proposals in the context of the Belmont Forum and JPI-Climate: Climate predictability and Inter-Regional Linkage
Initiative "Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe" (JPI Climate) aims to contribute to the overall challenge [...] Norway, Qatar, Sweden, The Netherlands and UK. JPI Climate and Belmont Forum are seeking proposals from
Transnational call for proposals on Antimicrobial Resistance through the JPI AMR
The ANR joins the Joint Programming Initiative JPI AMR to launch a second transnational call for research [...] SUBMISSION: This call will be managed by the JPI AMR call office, which is based at ANR, France. [...] consulted on the ANR website. CONTACT JPI AMR call office Dr. Serena Battaglia The French
Transnational call for proposals between Europe and China in the ERA-NET Cofund "Urban Accessibility and Connectivity"
In the framework of the ERA-NET Cofund Urban Accessibility and Connectivity (EN-UAC), the ANR is launching, in collaboration with 8 European countries and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), a call for proposals , to fund research and innovation projects with the aim of developing policies for more sustainable urban mobility.
Climate & Cultural Heritage (CCH) 2023
The French National Research Agency (ANR) participates in a “Collaborative Research Action” (CRA) launched in 2023 by the Joint Programming Initiatives (JPI) on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH) and Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate), and the Belmont Forum. This funding opportunity focuses on research challenges at the interface of cultural heritage and climate change.
Transnational call on standardised measurement, monitoring and/or biomarkers to study food intake, physical activity and health (HDHL-INTIMIC STAMIFY)
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with 7 countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Latvia, and Spain) is launching a fifth call for proposals through the ERA-NET HDHL-INTIMIC. The initiative aims to promote international research on nutrition and health. The global budget for this action will be of about 5,8 millions of euros.
The nutrition-responsiveness of the immune system: interplay between infectious diseases and diet-related metabolic diseases and the potential for food-based solutions (NUTRIMMUNE) 2022
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with Seven countries (Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Spain, The Netherlands and United Kingdom) is launching a call, named NUTRIMMUNE, for proposals under the JPI HDHL. The initiative aims to promote international research on nutrition and health. The global budget for this action will be of 8,27 millions of euros.
Maritime and Marine Technologies for a new ERA - ERA-NET Cofund
Research Agenda of JPI Oceans and WATERBORNE. With the cooperation of ERA-NET MARTEC and JPI Oceans, a broader
EraNet call for proposals on Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation
funding agency are listed on the AXIS webpage AXIS is a successor of the [...] Services” (ERA4CS). Both are part of the efforts of JPI Climate to contribute to the implementation of the