11th Call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
The ANR participates in the 10th call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET consortium (European coordinated research on long-term ICT and ICT-based scientific Challenges) bringing together 19 countries, with a budget of 11M€. The call announcement can be found under Call 2019 on the official CHIST-ERA website:
ANR – JST joint call for two CREST research areas: “Computational Foundation” and “Symbiotic interaction” Link to the CREST program: The JST-CREST [...] Japanese-French joint research proposals
ANR – JST joint call for two CREST research areas: “Quantum technologies” and “Symbiotic interaction” Link to the CREST program: The JST-CREST [...] for Japanese-French joint research proposals
Transnational joint call for collaborative research proposals on food security, sustainable agriculture and aquaculture (LEAP-Agri)
French teams, based on ANR regulation for funding ( ). Project submission and selection [...] electronic form on the website accessible through , before the deadline.
ERANET co-fund ForestValue – Innovating forest-based bioeconomy
detailed in the call text annex IV available on and in the french guide [...] electronic form on the website accessible through before the deadline. The
Mental Health - Addictions (SAMENTA)
the NEURON II ERA-NET opening in January 2013 ( ). This call aims at [...] January 2013. For more information on this call: For additional
Trans-Atlantic Platform Call for Proposals “Digging into Data”
how to submit the proposal will be available on Proposals received [...] 80 83 T-AP coordination office odh@neh
Appels à projets du programme FET : trois journées pour informer les chercheurs
Les premiers appels du programme FET (Future and Emerging Technologies) pour la période 2018-2020 sont nombreux à se clôturer au 1er semestre 2018 : FET Flagships (Graphene, HBP, Techn. Quantiques) prendra fin le 20 février prochain, FET Proactive le 22 mars, et FET Open le 16 mai.
AIde à la DEcision, Détection et Diagnostic de Defauts pour l'énergie dans le bâtiment
Building managers are in the public or private sector sometimes unfamiliar with their own building stock, and do not always have the necessary knowledge to optimize their energy consumption. Energy audits carried out by specialized firms help fill these gaps, but are too expensive for an entire building stock. In addition, building energy monitoring is becoming more and more popular. However these data remain underexploited.
High-angular-resolution and high-sensitivity, gamma-ray detector for precision gamma-ray astronomy and polarimetry in the MeV - GeV energy range
A high angular resolution and sensitivity gamma-ray telescope and polarimeter, for the MeV-GeV energy range.