9th Call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
whole consortium, using the template available on and submit [...] forms, are available on the CHIST-ERA website: [...] following the link provided on the CHIST-ERA website:
10th Call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
whole consortium, using the template available on and submit [...] forms, are available on the CHIST-ERA website: [...] following the link provided on the CHIST-ERA website:
Systematic functional analysis of mitochondrial dynamics in healthy young, aged and sarcopenic muscle
In the MITO-DYNAMICS project, we aim to identify mitochondrial processes and their regulators responsible for muscle wasting (sarcopenia) during ageing and in disease conditions. <br />We proposed a systematic and quantitative approach to understand the molecular, morphological and physiological dynamics of mitochondria comparing young, old and sarcopenic muscles of mice and flies. This will be complemented by the development of an integrative analysis platform, mitoXplorer.
Fraud and Economic Lies: Information and Strategies
Dishonesty introduces a major threat on trust and the ubiquity of deception is a major concern in modern societies. FELIS seeks to understand when and why people are more, or less, likely to act honestly and follow the moral course of action instead of serving their strict self-interest at the others’ expense.<br />
Imaging and modeling the Bacterial Mitosis
Bacterial DNA segregation involves the directed movement and positioning of chromosomes to accurately distribute them to daughter cells during cell division.<br />Our aim is to answer two specific and challenging questions: (1) What are the in vivo architecture, molecular composition and dynamics of segrosomes? and (2) What is the mechanism by which ParA ultrastructures move segrosomes in vivo?
Texts, Tells and Semantics: Modelling the Historical Geography of Upper Mesopotamia in the 2nd mill. BC by an integrated analysis of cuneiform texts, archaeological data and space using geo-informatics and the semantic web
Texts, tells and semantics: modelling the historical geography of Upper Mesopotamia in the 2nd millennium
Terminology and texts indexation in Human Sciences
TermITH vise la mise au point d’une méthode automatique d’indexation qui s’appuie sur l’exploitation des termes propres aux sciences humaines étudiées présents dans les textes.<br />Les termes présents sont désambiguïsés entre langue de spécialité et langue générale, et par comparaison avec le lexique et la phraséologie transdisciplinaire des sciences humaines.
Semantic Indexing of French Biomedical Data Resources
The volume of data in biomedicine is constantly increasing. Despite a large adoption of English in science, a significant quantity of these data uses the French language. Biomedical data integration and semantic interoperability is necessary to enable new scientific discoveries that could be made by merging different available data. A key aspect to address those issues is the use of terminologies and ontologies as a common denominator to structure biomedical data and make them interoperable.
Institut de Recherche en Mathématiques, ses Interactions et Applications
du centre de modélisation mathématique "CEMOSIS" mise en place d'une chaire [...] Anantharaman, qui a depuis été élue chaire permanente (
Graphs, Algorithms and Probability
Over the last few years, several research areas have witnessed important progress through the fruitful collaboration of mathematicians, theoretical physicists and computer scientists. One of them is the cavity method. Originating from the theory of mean field spin glasses, it is key to understanding the structure of Gibbs measures on diluted random graphs, which play a key role in many applications, ranging from statistical inference to optimization, coding and social sciences.