8th Call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
respecting the format and modalities mentioned on For [...] forms, are available on the CHIST-ERA website: [...] following the link provided on the CHIST-ERA website:
How do genes arise ? Lessons and questions from the evolution of yeast genomes.
coverages (;; http://www.y [...] set of thirteen species (Souciet et al., 2000 and Since then, this e
Integrated optical, photochemical and computational technologies to study the physiological synergy of different ion channels
with the ERC-laureate team of Panayiota Poirazi ( We will first produce detailed [...] will be coordinated by the team of Marco Canepari (, [...] will be devoted to the team of Michel De Waard (
Pre-announcement: JST/ANR joint call based on CREST program
ANR and JST have signed a new French-Japanese collaboration agreement in scientific research based on CREST program. It will be concretized soon by the launch of a joint call as regards the two following Priority Areas in the frame of the JST-CREST program:
Polymers Laboratory for Innovative Imaging Solutions
electronics, energy and communication” ( and has the prerequisites
Séquençage de la vigne
either based on comparative genomics (EXOFISH, [...] software developed for plant gene prediction (Eugene A training set of
Séquençage de la vigne
either based on comparative genomics (EXOFISH, [...] software developed for plant gene prediction (Eugene A training set of
Séquençage du génome de la vigne
either based on comparative genomics (EXOFISH, [...] software developed for plant gene prediction (Eugene A training set of
Future Internet: the LISP-Lab project deploys an international experimentation platform
The current architecture of the Internet is based on the TCP/IP protocol suite. To address the future needs of scalability of the Internet and the exponential development of new services, current Internet architecture must be improved. Among proposed approaches, LISP architecture is emerging as a promising solution. LISP (Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol) designates a new architecture and a set of protocols for implementing new address semantics to set up the Future Internet. The LISP-Lab project has endeavoured to speed up the development of this solution and is implementing and deploying a large-scale experimentation platform. As of today, this platform is already operational and freely open to anyone interested in conducting large-scale experiments using LISP architecture and its associated protocols.
Journées Nanosciences et Nanotechnologie : essai transformé
Avec plus de 700 inscrits, les journées Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies ont rempli leur contrat. Ces trois jours sont le fruit de l'association des Journées Nationales en Nanosciences et Nanotechnologies (J3N) organisées par la Délégation ANR-PNANO avec la journée "Les Nanosciences au cœur des technologies convergentes" organisée par les C'NANO et la SFP dans le cadre du salon MESUREXPO.