Yield stress suspensions: from microstructure to macroscopic behavior
Dense suspensions such as fresh concrete consist of very polydisperse particles suspended in a viscous fluid. These materials are yield stress fluids: they flow only when the applied stress is large e
Yield enhancement in oilseed rape
Cytokinin has come into focus as a regulator of biomass formation and seed yield. Free University of Berlin works on CKX genes and their role in plant development and yield formation for several years already. They could show in Arabidopsis that simultaneous mutation of the CKX3 gene and at least one other CKX gene (either CKX2, 4, 5 or 6) causes enlargement of the inflorescence meristem which leads in turn to the formation of more and larger flowers giving rise to ca. 40% more siliques.
Yeast complex trait genetics: beyond classical crosses
Over the past years, the budding yeast S. cerevisiae has become an important model for dissecting complex traits. However, nearly all of the yeast QTL mapping studies have used classical F1 meiotic segregants and novel strategies are needed. We proposed to explore and exploit an innovative approach, named return to growth (RTG), that takes advantage of the natural capacity of S. cerevisiae to reverse its meiotic progression and yield recombinant diploid cells.
Yeast Division in Microdroplets
A human body is composed of about 10tothe13 to 10tothe14 cells, and major biological processes such as cellular differentiation, immune response, offspring identity, or cancer emergence arise from sin
Yarrowia lipolytica oleochemicals based on odd chain fatty acids
One of the promising alternatives that can substitute fossil resources is the use of microbial oils. The strategies that can reduce their production costs include the engineering of high value-added f
Yamine Ait Ameur est nommé responsable du département Numérique et Mathématiques de l’Agence nationale de la recherche
Yamine Ait Ameur est nommé responsable du département Numérique et Mathématiques de l’Agence nationale de la recherche (ANR) à compter du 1er septembre 2021. Il succède à Martine Garnier-Rizet qui occupait ce poste depuis 2017.
Xylane-based hydrogel for use in photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT)
-OMe-Glucuronoxylane is the main hemicellulose in hardwoods. Although it is very abundant (20 to 25% of the mass of dry wood), this polymer with particularly interesting chemical properties remains li
Xrays Non invasive modification of integrated circuits
In order to evaluate the security level of the components used in smart cards or passports while always staying ahead of hackers, engineers and researchers are constantly researching new attack techni