advanCed pRivacY Preserving TechnOlogies for enterprise knowledge GRAPHs and Artificial Intelligence
This project initiates the development of CRYPTO4GRAPH-AI, a scalable, secure, and privacy-preserving framework for intelligent management and analytics of graph data in and across enterprises and oth
adaPtive Artificial iNtelligence fOR humAn coMputer interAction
The key concept of PANORAMA is “user adaptive AI in the context of human-computer interaction”. First, we will conduct research on user adaptivity of Artificial Intelligence embodied as a conversation
a network for Slow-fast Dynamics applied to the Biosciences
Theoretical research in slow-fast dynamics (also known as singular perturbation theory) advances rapidly and is increasingly making a significant impact in various research areas, in particular in the
a multidisciplinary analysis of PRECARisation in Lebanon (labor, mobilities, properties)
PRECARités seeks to understand what hinders the mobilization and development of safety nets in the wake of the multi-sectoral crisis that Lebanon is currently experiencing. It aims to figure out how t
a cartographic quest between lambda-calculus, logic, and combinatorics
This project aims to advance a remarkable connection between computer science and mathematics that was discovered by the lead researchers in 2013/2014. On one side of this interdisciplinary correspond
a Physical InterNet cross-docking hUb conTrol System
The PI-NUTS (“Physical InterNet cross-docking hUb conTrol System”) project contributes to the Physical Internet (p) field, which is an innovative paradigm, breaking with the usual approaches of curren
a Generic Approach to Secure network Protocols
In today's connected world, we heavily rely on network protocols to communicate with one another. To ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the exchanged data, we need to assess and improve the s
a DUst experiment in a low Nutrient, low chlorophyll Ecosystem
The main goal of DUNE is to estimate the impact of atmospheric inputs on an oligotrophic ecosystem submitted to strong atmospheric inputs. Atmospheric deposition is currently recognized as a significa