Transformations to sustainability: a multilateral Joint Call for Proposals soon to be launched
ANR is associated to a new funding programme “Transformations to sustainability” (T2S) initiated by the Belmont Forum and NORFACE network. On this occasion, a call for proposals including funding agencies of 14 countries will be launched in December. The aim of the call is to encourage international and transdisciplinary projects on the topic of transformations to sustainability.
Transformations to sustainability – T2S
Climate change, environmental degradation and resource pressures have created unprecedented situations for societies worldwide. Conventional knowledge and capacity building to tackle the challenges as
Transformations to Groundwater Sustainability : joint learnings from human-groundwater interactions
Billions of people around the world rely for their everyday existence on groundwater. Its invisibility, however, makes groundwater notoriously difficult to govern, also complicating efforts to avoid depletion or pollution. There is an urgent need to creative insights about ways of dealing with the intrinsic tensions that characterize groundwater governance: between individual and collective interests and between short-term gains and longer-term sustainability.
Transformations of the French Economy through the Lens of International Trade, 1716-1821
Transformations of the French Economy through the Lens of International Trade, 1716-1821
Transformations of Human Employees’ Voice in the Service Industries: Contributions to Theory and Practice
Public and private service organizations are faced with a situation where an increasingly important part of their value is generated by distant, voice-based operations. These operations occur in a tec
Transformations in lifestyles in mediterranean countries : a sociological and demographic study
This programme examines the link between demographic transition and induced societal changes and how they materialise in the lifestyles of individuals, depending on their social characteristics, throughout their life cycles.
Transformational models for Transformational Data
Protoplanetary Disks around young stars are modern day alchemists, they transform dust into astronomical gold: the planets! But just how exactly they achieve this remains a mystery. Giant planets hav