edge AI tranSformer-based adaptable human roboT collaboration system for smartER Industry 4.0X
Facing a growing demand in industries for customised products and shortage of qualified labour, the Astérix project aims to develop a smart, safe, easily adaptable edge AI empowered transformer-based
eXtreme Low Optical Scattering Mirrors
The X-LOSM project aims to produce a new generation of Bragg dielectric mirrors with extremely low optical losses to be used in Fabry-Perot cavities for frontier optical experiments. Thanks to outstan
eFfects of fORming dEfects on the meChAnical responSe of composiTe structures
The composite material arises simultaneously with the structure during the realisation of the part. Any defect caused during implementation can affect the mechanical strength of the structure. This wo
diamond ShapIng for membraNe Fabrication and integratiOn into high end quaNtum sensIng Applications
While advances in the quantum manipulation of cold atoms have already been translated into sensors with high industrial impacts (e.g. gravimeter applied to hydrology or civil engineering, already comm
device for detecting and analyzing information manipulation strategies by bot armies on Twitter
For several years and the advent of social networks, platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have played an important role in accessing and disseminating information. They play a role in the global env
correLations In quaNtum networKs: from foundations to experimental protocolS
Bell’s theorem shows that quantum correlations are nonlocal, that is fundamentally nonclassical. It had a profound impact on our understanding of what quantum correlations are or allow for, both for f
coLd hydrOgen GravItational Quantum States
Our first goal is to observe Gravitational Quantum States (GQS) of Hydrogen atoms, to test in the future new physics such as extra fundamental short-range interactions or probing the weak equivalent p
carbon storage in non-cropped ecosystem soils: toward a global understanding of the impact of grazing and logging.
Carbon sequestration in soil and vegetation represents a valuable lever to mitigate climate change. There is strong evidence that land use impacts the potential of carbon sequestration in soils, eithe
cUMP, a novel second messenger
The functions of all cells in the human body are regulated by hormones and neurotransmitters (extracellular messengers) and transmitted within the cell by intracellular messengers. Intracellular messe