semantiC segmentatiON oF compLexe soUnd scEnes oN edge deviCEs
The CONFLUENCE project aims to develop artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for sound semantic segmentation of acoustic signals that can recognize sound events and separate/isolate the signals of
sGOV: Real energy savings for VMs with smart governors
Governors are essential components of an operating system that manage energy consumption. They are in charge of increasing or decreasing the frequency at which a CPU core operates to achieve energy s
regulatiOn of autoreactive b Cells by T lymphOcytes in the pathophysiology of PemphigUS
Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is a chronic and life-threatening autoimmune disease. This pathology is characterized by the production of auto-antibodies (auto-Ab) directed against two desmosomal proteins: D
poly(triméthylèneCarbonate) - development of tailorable ecofriendly antifouling coatings
The protection of immersed surfaces in the marine environment is a major economic, societal and environmental issue. All immersed surfaces undergo spontaneous biocolonisation. The consequences of this
patterning the primitive streak
We aim to understand how the primitive streak (PS) is patterned in the mouse embryo. This transient structure plays a crucial role in the organization of the body plan. Classical embryology has establ
p-n Heterojunctions of Emergent Wide band gap Oxides for self-powered UVC sensing
Uncontrolled fires are estimated to contribute as much to carbon gas emissions as all of commercial transport and must thus be a critical challenge for the EU Green Deal objective of no carbon gas emi
nOnliNear rEceivers For Optimized eLectroDynamic Wireless Power Transfer
This project proposes to study electrodynamic wireless power transfer systems operating at very low frequency. The objective is to power devices through conductive media, e.g, medical devices placed i
modelinG-sateLlite-Aircraft approaCh for cIrrus Advanced characTErisation
Cirrus are pure ice clouds at high altitudes that remain largely unknown due to the variability and complexity of their composition. These unknowns lead to high uncertainties in their representation i