stratégie de densification, de diversification et de régénération des tissus pavillonnaires
In order to renew the ongoing ideas about the model of a sustainable city, the project proposes a research strategy based on the 3 following principles : To note, firstly that the ?urban fabric stock'
spreading of granular pastes: from the particle to end use properties
Granular pastes such as gypsum pastes or fresh concrete play an important role in the manufacture of various products in the construction, chemical and food industries. These materials are non-Newtonian fluids whose complex rheological properties need to be understood and described with the help of physical models in order to optimise the end-use properties of these products in conjunction with their formulation.
spIn-CAvitronics foR disrUptive RF applicationS
Nonreciprocity, induced by broken symmetries of nature, is indispensable for RF applications. Thus there is an great interest to develop compact and integrated RF isolators and circulators that go be
somatostatin secretin cells in diabetes
Up to 80% of patients with diabetes do not reach their treatment objectives, predisposing them to secondary complications. Better understanding of diabetes pathophysiology and the inception of new tr
solving the Ultrafast magNetizAtion mystery in ferromagNet-heavY Metal systems
Today’s information society is increasingly dependent on the availability of faster communication in ever-smaller devices. To sustain technological progress, new fundamental ideas are needed. Towards
silicon wafers molding for photovoltaïc application
The aim of the MOSAIQUE project is to propose a novel solution for the processing of PV silicon based on the directional crystallization of Si sheets molded in parallel. In comparison with the curren
silicOn photoniCs sTochastic mAtrix multiplier with phase chaNge matErials
This research project will pave the way to next generation computing architectures relying on hardware accelerators based on silicon photonics (SiPh), phase change materials (PCM) and stochastic compu