Millimeter reactors with micro-structured-Matrix for multi-phase catalytic reactions
The emergence of microreactors and process miniaturization over the past decade has provided a potentially new platform for accelerating the development of next-generation catalysts and multiphase cat
Microwave dedicated nanostructured ferrite ceramics: from basic research to integrated devices.
MINAFC is a bilateral technological project supported by 5 partners involved in the preparation of magnetic nanopowders (nanoparticles and nansotrutcured particles), their consolidation as nansotructu
Microwave Scanner for Airport Security
Recent events have shown that a determined terrorist could be able to board in a plane with explosive materials to blow up the plane during the flight. The risk that a kamikaze perpetrates a terrorist
Microscopic Simulation of MultI-MaterIals and Doped materials during Sintering
The MiSiMiMiDoSi project is a 36 months project, the realization of which requires employing a PhD student, combined with the effort of a young assistant professor at level of 27 person months. This p
Microplate assays and on-line analyzer for the spectrofluorimetric determination of carboxylic, thiol and amine compounds
The determination of volatile fatty acids (VFA), thiol compounds and amino compounds in environmental or biological samples require pre-treatment of samples (eg extraction) and expensive analytical te
Micro glucose fuel cell on porous silicon with abiotic and bio inspired catalysts
GLUCOPAC aims at developing a glucose micro fuel cell. The glucose fuel cells seem very promising: glucose is an energy source which is natural and abundant. Sony recently demonstrated the potential o
Micro Converter Networks
Micro Converter Network project aims is focused on two main research branches. The first one deals with the study and the analysis of generic networks of converters in place customized design of speci
Metrology of hydrogen atom for the determination of the proton charge distribution
The aim of this project is to obtain a new determination of the proton charge distribution radius Rp. Today Rp is determined from the elastic electron-proton scattering, from the spectroscopy of atomi
Methodology of hygro-thermal design of energy efficient buildings
We are developing reliable tools and methods to qualify and quantify innovative technical solutions accounting for moisture transfer through materials. <br />The target is the specific case of wood construction and more generally plant-based materials. These materials show intersting hygroscopic properties that seem most difficult to treat and appear well positioned in a growing market .
Metallodrugs with antibacterial activity: from synthesis to in situ biological activity
.How to bypass bacterial resistance of Gram- bacteria associated with the low permeability of their outer membrane and to the expression of efflux pumps