Industrial Chairs
The "Industrial Chairs" programme aims at promoting the integration of eminent French (expatriate or not) or foreign professors into higher education and research organisations, and at strengthening t
Initiatives D’Excellence en Formations Innovantes Numériques (IDEFI-N) - Appel à projets - 2014
Dans les conditions fixées par l’avenant du 29 octobre 2014 à la convention du 23 septembre 2010 entre l’Etat et l’ANR, qui place l’appel à projets IDEFI-N dans le prolongement de l’action IDEFI, l’ac
Initiatives d’excellence (IDEX) Initiatives-Science – Innovation –Territoires – Economie (I-SITE) - Appel à projets - Vague 1 - 2014
L'action IDEX/I-SITE, engagée dans le cadre du second programme d'Investissements d'avenir (PIA2) a une vocation structurante et intégratrice pour les acteurs de l'enseignement supérieur et de la rech
International call for proposals in the context of the Belmont Forum: SCENARIOS OF BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES
Alongside its partners from the Belmont Forum , ANR launches a call for proposal on biodiversity scenarios on May 2nd. The objective is to stimulate the formation of international networks of scien
JPI-FACCE Climate Smart Agriculture
As an ERA-NET Plus action under the ERA-NET scheme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Commission, the partner organisations, including the French National Research Agency (ANR),
Joint laboratories between research organizations and SMEs or intermediate-sized enterprises (ETI) (Labcom)
The purpose of this new program is to encourage research actors to create new structured partnerships through the creation of "Joint Laboratories" between a SME or an ETI (intermediate-sized enterpris
OH Risk
"OH Risk" is one of the instruments of the "At the Frontiers of Research" component announced in July 2013 when the ANR Work Programme 2014 was published. The aim of the "OH Risk" 2014 call for propos
Rapid action call to establish working groups to enhance the use of existing longitudinal cohort studies for neurodegenerative disease (ND) research, in the context of JPND (2014)
L'ANR s'associe au Programme conjoint sur les maladies neurodégénératives (JPND) pour lancer une action rapide transnationale pour financer des Groupes de Travail qui permettront l'amélioration de l'u
Recherche Hospitalo-Universitaire en santé (RHU) – Appel à projets - Vague 1 - 2014
L'action recherche hospitalo-universitaire en santé vise à soutenir des projets de recherche translationnelle en santé ou de recherche clinique, qui pourront s'appuyer sur des recherches fondamentales
Specific Support for Defence Research Works and Innovation (ASTRID)
The French National Research Agency (ANR) launches in partnership with the French armaments procurement agency (DGA), the 2014 ASTRID programme "Specific support for defence research works and innovat