2016 Joint Call « Sustainable management of water resources in agriculture, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sectors »
The 2016 Joint Call will pool research and innovation (R&I) efforts from countries participating in the FACCE-JPI and/or Water JPI. The Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) are intergovernmental initi
4th International Call for Proposals in Computational Neuroscience
ANR (France), NSF and NIH (United States), BMBF (Germany) and BSF (Israel) launch a 4th multilateral call for research projects in computational neuroscience. Data Sharing projects will also be consid
6th Call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
The ANR participates in the 6th call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET consortium ( European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in ICST ), bringing together more than 10 European countries. The cal
A European call for proposals on clinical research for repurposing in rare diseases
The French National Research Agency launch in partnership with 14 countries the eighth E-Rare joint call for funding multilateral research projects on rare diseases on “ Clinical research for new the
A European call for proposals on sustainable urban development
The French National Research Agency launches, in partnership with 18 European countries, a joint call for funding multilateral research projects on sustainable urban development. The ERA-NET Co
A call for Transnational Research Proposals on "Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health"
The French National Research Agency launchs, in partnership with 12 European countries and Canada, the first ERA-HDHL Cofund joint call for funding multilateral research projects on “Biomarkers for Nu
ARIMNet 2: Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean Network 2
The ARIMNet 2 Project (Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean Network), funded by the European Union under FP7, is aimed at coordinate National Agricultural Research Programmes to strengthen the c
Call for transnational working groups within the joint programming initiative on antimicrobial resistance (JPIAMR)
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with 7 European countries (Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK), and Canada, is launching a fourth joint call for workin
Carnot program
The objective of the Carnot program is to promote technology transfer, partnership between public laboratories and enterprises and development of innovation. This program is designed to recognize the
Challenge Competion for Image Forgery Detection (DEFALS)
The pervasiveness of communication networks has made our society has permeable to and dependent from information which is so easily disseminated. Digital images are a major tool of this information st