Funded projects
Explorez notre base de projets financés ,ANR makes available its datasets on funded projects, click here to find more . ,
Funding instruments
As part of its Work Programme, the French National Research Agency (ANR) offers a number of proposes various funding instruments, each with its own specific anticipated effect and distinct characteris
Funding regulations
Le règlement financier de l’Agence nationale de la recherche définit les modalités d’attribution des Aides dans le cadre des Projets de recherche, développement et innovation que l’Agence sélectionne
Gender aspects
Alongside research stakeholders, the French National Research Agency (ANR) is committed to contributing to the development of a policy aimed at reducing inequalities between women and men in higher ed
Generic call for proposals 2014
In 2013, ANR reinvented - in just a few months - its way of working for the scientific community. Judicious simplification of procedures, greater clarity of the funding offering and saving time for th
Generic call for proposals 2015
Since 2014, the generic call for proposals has grouped together a large part of ANR's funding offering. The 2015 edition's initial results for the "Collaborative research projects", "Collaborative res
Graphical charter and logo
To be consistent with its commitments included in its new 2021-2025 objectives and performance contract (COP), the French National Research Agency (ANR) is renewing its graphical identity. A n
Génomes marins (ATLASea) - Atlas des génomes marins : des données massives à l’innovation
Co-piloté par le CNRS et le CEA, le programme de recherche exploratoire Atlasea vise à séquencer le génome de 4 500 espèces marines de la zone économique exclusive française. Financé à hauteur de 41 m