Self-organization of passive and active virus-based colloids: theory and experiments
This project aims to create and address the self-assembly of novel anisotropic responsive colloidal particles based on fd virus and introduce «patchy: interactions through the creation of hybrid virus-metal nanorods consisting of end-functionalized fd rods with tunable, thermo-responsive site-specific interactions. Experiments will be supplemented with theoretical modelling.
The last european old-growth (“subnatural”) fir-BEech forests: a loNg-term and global stuDy for their better understandIng, conServation and management
The last European old-growth (“subnatural”) fir-BEech forests: a loNg-term and global stuDY for their better understanding, conServation and management
QUestion generAtioN for Textual Understanding via Machine reading
QUANTUM – a project funded by the Agence National de Recherche – is a joint research project between two academic institutions (LORIA, Nancy & IRIT, Toulouse) and one industrial partner (Synapse Développement, Toulouse). The project aims to investigate the task of passage-level abstractive question generation. That is, we will focus on how to generate questions whose answer is distributed in the text and where the words that make up the question are not necessarily present in that text.
Chromatin remodeling in regulation of chromosomal Crossing-Over and seed production
Crossing-Over (CO) during meiosis is a fundamental process ensuring sexual transmission of genetic material to next generation and meanwhile generating diversity within species by creating new chromosome/allele combinations. Understanding of the mechanisms that regulate CO frequency has great interest in basic research as well as in application in breeding.
Metabolic and Autophagic Control by Acyl CoA Binding Protein (ACBP/DBI)
This research project is inspired by yet unpublished observations implying the protein diazepam binding protein (DBI)/acyl CoA-binding protein (ACBP) in the control of autophagy, peripheral metabolism, and appetite.
NanoPLASTIcS: pollutant super-CARriErs?
NanoPLASTIcS : pollutant super-CARriErs ?.
Secret Archives of the Basilica of Nicea provided by the Sediments of Iznik Lake
An inter- and transdisciplinary project to study collaborations in sustainability science
Although the growth of collaborations is a major current trend in the life sciences, little is known about how they influence the working practices of researchers and their partners. <br />COLLAB² aims to provide a broad and in-depth view of these collaborations, based on a study of three structures where they play a major role: «zones ateliers« (ZA), human-environment observatories (OHM) and biosphere reserves (BR).
Microarchitectural Attacks On Ubiquitous Systems
Microarchitectural Attacks On Ubiquitous Systems
Phosphorus sequestration: contribution of magnetotactic bacteria in oxic–anoxic transition zones
The project stems from our recent demonstration that a group of magnetotactic bacteria strongly accumulate P at the oxic-anoxic interface in the water column of the ferruginous Lake Pavin (Massif Central, France; Rivas-Lamelo et al. 2017, Geochem. Persp. Lett.). These bacteria constitute a new and relevant model for studying the cycling of P by microorganisms in freshwater environments, the molecular mechanisms of P sequestration and their influence by environmental parameters.