Epigenetic immune subversion in Leishmania macrophage infection
Many viral, bacterial and eukaryotic pathogens have co-evolved strategies to modulate the expression profile of their mammalian host cells promoting their own survival. Underlying regulatory mechanism
Photon sorting for efficient infrared detection with nanostructures
Efficient multi-band infrared quantum detectors operating from 8 µm to 14 µm are crucial for many applications, such as molecule detection or imaging. Nevertheless, existing detectors still lack a fun
Aerosol - Cloud interactions in contrasted Marine Environments
Significant gaps exist in our current understanding of aerosol-cloud interactions which are reflected in the uncertainties in weather forecasts and climate projections. One key aspect that is poorly understood is the role of the ice phase and the aerosol particles on which atmospheric ice crystals form, especially in mixed-phase clouds. Whether a cloud is composed of water or ice strongly influences cloud properties: lifecycle, precipitation formation and radiative energy balance.
Valorization and remediation of tailings from W-ores
Mine tailings often have a dramatic environmental impact on the surrounding environment, rivers and groundwater. The treatment and recovery of tailings could be combined, with effective soil decontamination carried out at the same time as the extraction of metals from these secondary mines.
Leveraging medical records to identify patients at risk of neurodegenerative disease
Neurodegenerative diseases represent one of the main public health issues in our western societies and one of the greatest challenges in drug development. Prevention policies have become essential to
Brazil-France interplays in Gauge Theory, extremal structures and stability
Following Berger's holonomy classification and Atiyah and Donaldson's achievements in Yang-Mills theory, differential geometers have studied the interactions between variational and algebraic perspect
Kition-Idalion-Tamassos: cities and territories within Cypriot kingdoms during the first millennium BC
The project aims to cross-study the history of the three neighboring kingdoms of Kition, Idalion and Tamassos (Cyprus) at the time of the kingdoms by mobilizing all available sources.<br />The goal is to constitute a solid case study at the regional scale that can be compared to existing conceptual models, but also reproducible for other regional studies, as close as possible to the primary evidence.
COAST: COnservation of mArine ecosystems around Santo AnTão, Cabo Verde: implications for policy and society
The Republic of Cabo Verde is an African archipelago, which depends largely on marine resources. Their coastal areas ensure human wellbeing through resources availability (e.g. food) and jobs. However
Priority areas for conservation and restoration of Amazonian forest-frugivorous fish interactions and associated fisheries
Deforestation, climate change and dams are major drivers of ecosystem degradation in the Amazon and important threats to freshwater biodiversity. There is a gap in Amazon landscape planning for predic