Call for Expressions of Interest: Innovative and Operational Solutions in the field of Industrial Risk Management in a dense urban environment: AMI-S.I.O.M.R.I
On September 26th, 2019, a fire broke out in the Lubrizol factory, 3 km from downtown Rouen. Following this event, a 22 km black smoke plume spreads over the city and its urban agglomeration: toxic vo
Antibiorésistance: comprendre, innover, agir (AMR) - Appel à manifestations d'intérêt – 2020
Suite au plan d’action mondial pour combattre la résistance aux antimicrobiens adopté par l’OMS en 2015 et suite à la publication en Novembre 2016 de la feuille de route interministérielle pour la maî
JTC 2020 on Rare Diseases within European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJP RD)
The French National Research Agency will launch, in partnership with 23 countries, the second joint transnational call of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases for funding “Pre-clinical research to develop effective therapies for rare diseases”.