Excited-state protein NMR and optical spectroscopy
Although life is intrinsically related to biochemical and structural changes over time, the focus of structural biology has always been the detailed investigation of the highly populated compact groun
Police and Adolescents in Multi-Ethnic Societies. Subtitle: Interactions and Mutual Perceptions between Police Forces and (Minority) Adolescents in France and Germany
This project aims at improving the knowledge about the causes of tensions and collective violence in urban settings and understanding the sources of legitimacy of the police among adolescents in multi
Consultez la liste des projets financés La thématique de l'ERA-Net MariFish étant rattachée à celles abordées par Systerra, vous pouvez consulter ici la liste des projets sélectionnés par
ERANET Biodiversa
L'appel pan-européen à " projets de recherche internationaux sur la biodiversité : relier les avancées scientifiques aux politiques et à la pratique " est le premier appel à projets de l'ERANET BIOD
Geraniol against multi-drug resistant bacteria
Antibiotic resistance is an increasing problem in human health. During the last two decades, only a few molecules where proposed by the Major Companies, and with some exception (inhibition of bacteria
Contribution des facteurs "procédés" et des "propriétés de surface" des particules dans les mécanismes impliqués dans la granulation de poudres alimentaires
Even if the properties of food products are classically described using bulk parameters, it starts to be recognized that the functional properties of food powders are mainly dependent on the surface c
Prédiction in silico d'épitopes d'allergènes alimentaires et validation expérimentale sur les allergènes du blé
"Food allergies represent a major and growing health-issue in western societes. Their are induced by numerous food products as egg, milk, treenuts and vegetables and evolve with feeding customs. Accor
Nouvelles ressources pour maîtriser le devenir digestif des nutriments des produits céréaliers
In Western countries, diseases related to foods represent a major issue in public poliy. Overweight and obesity are increasing at an alarming rate in the world and in Europe more particularly. Obesity