Transnational joint call for proposals on “Sustainable forests for the society of the future” Processing through ERA-NET Sumforest
The call focuses on basic and applied research to inform policy decisions regarding multifunctional forestry and also addresses research issues spanning the whole value chain from forest management to
Transnational joint call for proposals on Cooperation in Fisheries, Aquaculture and Seafood Processing through the ERA-NET COFASP
This 3rd call launched by ERA-NET COFASP sets out to increase the knowledge and the development of biotechnological tools for marine observation, predictability, and biomass utilisation and sustainabi
ERA-NET for Monitoring & Mitigation of Greenhouse gases from Agri- and Silvi-culture
The French National Research Agency, in partnership with 15 international partner organizations is set to launch a joint call for proposals through the ERA-GAS ERA-NET. This action aims to promote int
2016 Joint Call « Sustainable management of water resources in agriculture, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sectors »
The 2016 Joint Call will pool research and innovation (R&I) efforts from countries participating in the FACCE-JPI and/or Water JPI. The Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) are intergovernmental initi
Energies Marines Renouvelables (EMR) - Appel à projets - Vague 2 - 2016
L’ANR en liaison avec l’association France Energies Marines (FEM) lance, après celui de 2015, un deuxième appel à projets sur les Energies Marine Renouvelables. L’ambition de cet appel à projets est l
ERA-NET Cofund SusAn: Transnational Call on Sustainable Animal Production Systems
ANR has teamed up with the ERA-NET Cofund SusAn to launch its first joint transnational call for proposals designed to fund innovative research projects in sustainable animal production. The European
Joint laboratories between research organizations and SMEs or intermediate-sized enterprises (ETI)
The purpose of this program is to encourage research actors to create new structured partnerships through the creation of "Joint Laboratories" between a SME or an ETI (intermediate-sized enterprise) a
Instituts Convergences (IConv) - Appel à projets - Vague 1 - 2016
L’ambition de l’action « Instituts Convergences » est d’initier une nouvelle démarche visant à structurer quelques centres rassemblant des forces scientifiques pluridisciplinaires de grande ampleur et
A call for Transnational Research Proposals on "Biomarkers for Nutrition and Health"
The French National Research Agency launchs, in partnership with 12 European countries and Canada, the first ERA-HDHL Cofund joint call for funding multilateral research projects on “Biomarkers for Nu
France-Japan Joint Call for proposals on Molecular Technology
The French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) launch a third bilateral call for proposals in the field of "Molecular Technology". “Molecular Technolog