Preannouncement of the 3rd transnational call for proposals 2024 of the European Clean Energy Transition Partnership
50 national and regional RTDI programme owners and managers from 31 countries are launching the third co-funded call under the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP) to fund research and innovation projects related to the energy transition. For France, the ANR will participate to the funding of this call with ADEME and the Pays de la Loire Region. A webinar to present the call to the French community is scheduled the 10th September at 2 pm (Paris (UTC+2)).
Pre-Announcement: Water4All 2024 Joint Transnational Call - “Water and circular economy”
The European Partnership Water4All – Water security for the plantet, co-funded by the European Union within the frame of the Horizon Europe programme, is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of its new Joint Transnational Call on “Water and circular economy” that will open on 12 September 2024!
Preannouncement: Biodiversity and Transformative Change – BiodivTransform (Appel Biodiversa+ 2024-2025)
Get ready for the upcoming Joint Call for research proposals of Biodiversa+ on “Biodiversity and Transformative Change” that will be launched on 10th September 2024!
Third edition of the transnational call for projects of the European Partnership Driving Urban Transitions with a focus on urban areas - DUT
Coming from the Horizon Europe Partnership scheme and related to the JPI Urban Europe, the European Driving Urban Transitions Partnership gather a massive community: 27 countries and more than 60 partners to support the European innovation ecosystem in the urban area. The aim of the DUT Joint Call 2024, whom first stage will open on September 2 and will close on November 14 is to fund transnational research and innovation projects on urban challenges, at an international level in order to help cities in their transition to a more sustainable economy. Among Horizon Europe's 49 European Partnerships, DUT is the only one dedicated to urban transition.
Tremplin - ERC Starting Grant (T-ERC StG) - 2024
Designed to improve France’s success rate in European Research Council (ERC) calls, Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) is a funding instrument set up by ANR as part of its Work Programme 2024. T-ERC is open to all ERC research disciplines (LS, PE, SH).
PEPR Exploratoire LUMA ( Interaction Lumière Matière ) - Appel à projets - 2024
Dans le cadre du plan France 2030, l’État a décidé d’accompagner et de soutenir l’exploration du potentiel d’une recherche émergente à travers le PEPR LUMA : Valoriser les interactions lumière-matière. Leader au niveau européen et international sur la « valorisation des interactions lumière-matière » avec cinq prix Nobel depuis 2016, la France doit maintenir et consolider son positionnement, à la fois académique et industriel. La lumière, omniprésente dans notre environnement naturel et technologique, est l’objet central du programme LUMA. Le CNRS et le CEA, organismes de premier rang dans ces domaines, co-pilotent le programme et, en partenariat avec plusieurs établissements d’enseignement supérieur, structurent et canalisent les efforts de la communauté scientifique vers des sujets sélectionnés à fort impact et pour renforcer les infrastructures de recherche nationales au plus haut niveau international
PEPR SantéNum - Appel à projets « Santé Num : Santé Numérique » - 2024
Dans le cadre du plan “France 2030”, le Gouvernement a mis en place la Stratégie Nationale d’Accélération en Santé Numérique (SASN) dont le volet recherche est porté par le Programme de Recherche en Santé Numérique (PEPR SantéNum). L’État a confié à l’Inserm et l’Inria le pilotage scientifique de ce PEPR dont le budget est de 60 M€ sur 7 ans.
France 2030 : PEPR IRiMa – Appel à manifestation d’intérêt - 2024
Le Programme de recherche Risques, piloté par le BRGM, le CNRS et l’Université Grenoble-Alpes, a pour objectif de formaliser une « science des risques » pour contribuer à l’élaboration d’une nouvelle stratégique de gestion des risques et des catastrophes et leurs impacts dans le contexte de changements globaux, anthropiques et climatiques. Pour cela, il met en œuvre une série de recherches et d’expertises (d’observation, d’analyse, d’aide à la décision...) pour accélérer la transition vers une société capable de faire face à un ensemble de menaces (hydro-climatiques, telluriques, technologiques, sanitaires, couplées), de s’adapter et d’être plus résiliente et plus soutenable.
Generic call for proposals – AAPG 2025
The Generic Call for Proposals 2025 (AAPG 2025) is the French National Research Agency’s (ANR) main call. All scientific communities and all public and private actors involved in French research are concerned. It should allow researchers from different scientific fields to access, in addition to their recurrent funding allocated, co-funding on a large number of research themes, whether finalized or not.
Call for proposals Science with and for society - Participatory research 2 second edition
Today's societal and environmental challenges raise questions that go well beyond the research community alone, since they directly concern all citizens. However, citizens have not waited for the major transitions we are facing to get involved with scientists in the production of knowledge that can be used for action and can play a concrete transformative role. This "participatory science and research" movement, based on the cross-fertilisation of knowledge (scientific, action-based and experiential), is now characterised by a huge variety of approaches, disciplines, themes, players and aims. Since the pioneering "science shops", the landscape of participatory science has continued to be enriched by new players and new structures (living labs, open labs, fab labs, hacker spaces, tech shops, foundaries, third places, etc.), and funding mechanisms, direct or indirect, national or regional, have also multiplied, although without meeting all the needs.