Digital Engineering & Security – INS
The objectives of the INS research programme are the emergence of new paradigms, technologies, methods and tools to design digital systems consisting in integrated hardware and software in which secur
Sustainable Transport and Mobility
The Sustainable Transport and Mobility ( STM ) programme is an evolution in its second year of the Sustainable Land Transport ( SLT ) programme. It follows the former Land Transport vehicle ( LTV
Post-doctoral Return
A post-doctoral position performed abroad by young French researchers, or young foreign researchers supporting their thesis in France, represents a main advantage for a scientific career. The return o
Sustainable Food Systems
The ALID programme (Sustainable Food Systems) aims to build sustainable systems for production, processing, distribution and consumption of food products, taking into account consumer demand, competit
Sustainable Cities and Buildings
Most of the people of the world live in cities and one of the overwhelming challenges facing us in the 21 st century will be to deal with the continuous growth of urban population in ways which are
Transnational Interdisciplinary G8 Programme on Material Efficiency – A first step towards sustainable manufacturing
At the G8 Heads of Research Councils (G8-HORCs) meeting held in Kyoto in May 2008, it was decided to launch an initiative aiming at supporting excellent research projects of global relevance best tack
BIOADAPT - Adaptation: from genes to populations. Genetics and biology of adaptation to stresses and disturbances
Used and natural ecosystems sustainable management requests to consider the capacities o f a d aptation of living organisms to stresses and disturbances linked to global changes (climatic cha
Transnational call for proposals on eco-innovation within the frame of the ERA-NET ECO-INNOVERA
The ANR joins the ERA-NET ECO-INNOVERA to launch a joint transnational call for proposals. Thirteen countries and regions are participating to this call for proposal s : Au
FLASH JAPAN – Great Tohoku Earthquake
FLASH CALL FOR PROPOSALS JAPAN Following the major earthquake and tsunami that occurred on March 11th, 2011, the French and Japanese research agencies (Agence Nationale de la Recherch
Digital Content and Interactions (CONTINT)
The “Digital Content and Interactions” programme is dedicated to creating, processing, producing, editing, accessing, exchanging, safeguarding, interacting, with digital content. It covers all types o