Efficient and Decarbonized Energy Systems (SEED)
The SEED Call for Proposals aims to improve the global energy efficiency of primary energy production (excluding nuclear or renewable electricity and bio-energy), and industrial systems and building
Changing societies "Emergence and evolution of cultures and cultural phenomena"
The "Changing societies" programme In an environment marked at the same time by new forms of exchange, of interdependence and of differentiation between cultures, and also by certain forms of g
Changing societies "Inequality – Inequalities" (INEG)
The "Changing societies" programme In an environment marked at the same time by new forms of exchange, of interdependence and of differentiation between cultures, and also by certain forms of
Sustainable Electricity Production and Management
The Sustainable Electricity Production and Management (PROGELEC) programme is based on three former programmes "Intelligent Housing and Photovoltaic Solar Energy (HABISOL)", "Innovative Energy Sto
Alzheimer’s disease and related diseases (MALZ)
The Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) launches the second call for proposals of the national programme on “Alzheimer’s disease and related diseases”. The aims of the call for pr
Technologies for health and autonomy (TecSan)
Together with the Caisse Nationale de la Solidarité pour l'Autonomie (CNSA) and the Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA), the ANR launches a call for proposals on the "Technologies for health an
Materials and Processes for High Performance Products
The French National Research Agency (ANR) launches a call for proposals within the framework of the programme “Materials and Processes for High Performance Products”. The aim of this programme is to f
Emerging products, technologies and services presenting high value of technology transfer (Emergence)
The French National Research Agency (ANR) launches a call for proposals within the programme “Emerging products, technologies and services presenting high value of technology transfer” which aims to p
Digital Models - MN
The MN programme is dedicated to research in modeling, simulation and optimization leading to the creation of virtual digital worlds, in the context of huge masses of data from varied origins, localiz
AGROBIOSPHERE: Viability and Adaptation of Productive Ecosystems, Territories and Resources Face to Global Changes
During the next decades, biosphere will face numerous major changes. Agriculture, landscape and, more largely, the whole set of the world ecosystems used by societies will have to adapt. The changes t