Third edition of the transnational call for projects of the European Partnership Driving Urban Transitions with a focus on urban areas - DUT
Coming from the Horizon Europe Partnership scheme and related to the JPI Urban Europe, the European Driving Urban Transitions Partnership gather a massive community: 27 countries and more than 60 partners to support the European innovation ecosystem in the urban area. The aim of the DUT Joint Call 2024, whom first stage will open on September 2 and will close on November 14 is to fund transnational research and innovation projects on urban challenges, at an international level in order to help cities in their transition to a more sustainable economy. Among Horizon Europe's 49 European Partnerships, DUT is the only one dedicated to urban transition.
Santé des Femmes, Santé des Couples
Dans le cadre de France 2030, le Gouvernement a confié à l’Inserm la charge de piloter le programme de recherche « Santé des Femmes, Santé des Couples » destiné à permettre la mise en œuvre des action
Programmes et équipements prioritaires de recherche (PEPR)
Une action pour la recherche fondamentale, déclinée en deux types de programmes Au sein du volet « dirigé » de France 2030, dit « Financement des investissement stratégiques », une action est dédié
Organisation and Governance
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is a public administrative body under the authority of the French Ministry in charge of Research. Its organisation and operation are defined by the R. 329-1 t
Exploration des abysses : une seconde vie pour le Nautile
Depuis 40 ans, le sous-marin habité Nautile, l’un des fleurons de la Flotte océanographique française opérée par l’Ifremer et sa filiale d’armement Genavir, a effectué 2122 plongées. Alors que sa mission devait s’achever en 2025, décision a été prise de prolonger l’activité du seul engin sous-marin scientifique habité dans l’Union européenne capable d’atteindre les grands fonds.
Alimentation - Microbiomes (SAMS)
Annoncé durant l’année 2023, le programme de recherche Systèmes alimentaires, Microbiomes et Santé (SAMS), autrement appelé « Alimentation – Microbiomes », est financé dans le cadre du plan d’investis
Tremplin - ERC Starting Grant (T-ERC StG) - 2024
Designed to improve France’s success rate in European Research Council (ERC) calls, Tremplin-ERC (T-ERC) is a funding instrument set up by ANR as part of its Work Programme 2024. T-ERC is open to all ERC research disciplines (LS, PE, SH).
Controlling surfactant therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome with two-phase flow and machine learning
Surfactant replacement therapy (SRT) consists of instilling a liquid-surfactant mixture into the trachea of premature newborns, whose high alveolar surface tension makes their lungs stiff and difficul
Early Universe Explanations of the Higgs Boson Mass
For decades we have tried to explain the value of the Higgs boson mass in terms of symmetry. We have expected new symmetries and the new particles realizing them, to appear, first at LEP, then at the
Identification of Tumor HIstory at the Clone level
IdenTHic will develop a statistical framework to construct tumor evolution history from panel-sequencing and marker data that can be used to monitor patient and identify key genetic features. The pr