Assessing the relationships between marine protected areas and invasive species
Currently, the role of marine protected areas in controlling invasive species populations is generally unknown; a limited number of studies have explored the potential of marine protected areas to mitigate alien species impacts worldwide, often with contrasting results. At the same time, assessments of impacts of invasive species on marine ecosystems within and outside marine protected areas are scanty.
Engineering multi-photon dissipation in superconducting circuits for quantum error correction
Technologies exploiting quantum properties such as entanglement and superposition, could revolutionize our computational abilities. In the last two decades, impressive theoretical and experimental pro
Energies Marines Renouvelables (EMR) - Appel à projets - Vague 2 - 2016
L’ANR en liaison avec l’association France Energies Marines (FEM) lance, après celui de 2015, un deuxième appel à projets sur les Energies Marine Renouvelables. L’ambition de cet appel à projets est l
2016 Joint Call « Sustainable management of water resources in agriculture, forestry and freshwater aquaculture sectors »
The 2016 Joint Call will pool research and innovation (R&I) efforts from countries participating in the FACCE-JPI and/or Water JPI. The Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) are intergovernmental initi