High Energy All FIber SYstems
In this project we propose to develop technological breakthroughs to prepare the next generation of large scale laser systems and of powerful/energetic fiber laser systems for industrial and medical a
GABA-mediated alpha-to-beta-like cell neogenesis
Over the past few decades, diabetes has become one of the most widespread metabolic disorders with epidemic dimensions affecting almost 9% of the world’s population. Despite major efforts and modern t
China's Alternative Public Spheres in the 20th century
China’s 20th century history is usually viewed as a series of failed attempts to institutionalize civil society and consolidate a public sphere conducive to meaningful political debate. However, this
"Setting up European or International Scientific Networks" (MRSEI)
In the framework of its 2017 Work Programme, the French National Research Agency (ANR) proposes its 4th call for "Setting up European or International Scientific Networks" (MRSEI). Its aim is to give
Transnational call for proposals under the ERA-NET ERANETMED, third edition: Fostering sustainable water management for the economic growth and sustainability of the Mediterranean region
ERANETMED is a EU FP7 initiative that aims at co-ordinating research activities of the different national research programs from EU Members States, Associated Countries to the EU Research Framework Pr
Composition of solar system small bodies
Observations of young-stellar objects have led to an astrophysical understanding of how planetary systems might form. As the disk evolves, sub-micron dust grains agglomerate into meter-sized dust ball
Flexible network dynamics as a basis for temporal computations in the cortex
Time is an essential dimension of sensory reality, and plays a central role in cognitive phenomena such as auditory communication and speech perception. Our understanding of how the brain processes te
Optogenetic and optical probing of TREK channel physiology
Maintenance of a negative resting membrane potential underlies the basis of neuronal excitability. This negative potential is generated by a potassium-selective leak (or background) current, which is
New Frontiers for Optoelectronics with Artificial Media
To detect or generate complex light beams that are increasingly needed in biology and photonics (light with non-zero angular momentum and non-classical light), it is necessary to rely on bulky and sop
Quantum Dot based Quantum Network
Semiconductor quantum dots are excellent candidates to implement a quantum network with a scalable solid-state technology. Quantum dots generate single photons acting as flying quantum bits and the sp