Generic call for proposals 2016
ANR launches its generic call for proposals for the third consecutive year. The generic call is ANR's main call for proposals for the financial year 2016. It is open to all scientific disciplines and
4th International Call for Proposals in Computational Neuroscience
ANR (France), NSF and NIH (United States), BMBF (Germany) and BSF (Israel) launch a 4th multilateral call for research projects in computational neuroscience. Data Sharing projects will also be consid
France – Québec joint call for proposals on Humanities and Social Sciences
The French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) launch a bilateral call for proposals in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The major o
6th Call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET
The ANR participates in the 6th call of the CHIST-ERA ERA-NET consortium ( European Coordinated Research on Long-term Challenges in ICST ), bringing together more than 10 European countries. The cal
Industrial Chairs
The aim of this programme is threefold: To conduct research in strategic and priority areas via a strong and lasting partnership between public and private organisms. To provide quality-commi
Carnot program
The objective of the Carnot program is to promote technology transfer, partnership between public laboratories and enterprises and development of innovation. This program is designed to recognize the
Transnational call for proposals on nanomedicine through the ERA-NET EuroNanoMed II
The ANR has teamed up with the ERA-NET EuroNanoMed II to launch a seventh joint transnational call for proposals for funding of innovative research projects in Nanomedicine. Thirteen countries
Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities
The ANR is launching its 10th Franco-German call for proposals in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in collaboration with the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). This call aims to fund res
A European call for proposals on clinical research for repurposing in rare diseases
The French National Research Agency launch in partnership with 14 countries the eighth E-Rare joint call for funding multilateral research projects on rare diseases on “ Clinical research for new the
Specific Support for Defence Research Projects and Innovation (ASTRID)
The French National Research Agency (ANR), in partnership with the French Armaments Procurement Agency (DGA), has launched the 2016 ASTRID programme, providing "specific support for defence research p