Innovative societies - Innovation, economy, living
“Innovative Societies” is a new programme and one of the three cross-cutting programmes of the ANR. This programme intends to foster cooperation and confrontation of the approaches of the disc
2nd Transnational Call for research projects within the framework of the ERA-Net EMIDA
Eighteen countries are participating in this call for proposals: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway,
The Ambient Assisted Living joint programme (AAL) article 185
The ANR and CNSA in association with AAL joint programme (AAL JP) are launching the 4 th call for projects “ICT based solutions for Advancement of Older Persons’ Mobility” . The AAL JP
Biomaterials and Energies
Biomass is one of the most promising options among renewable energy sources. The economic and environmental sustainability of solutions proposed is required to use Biomass as a source of ener
Inter Carnot-Fraunhofer Programme PICF 2011
France and Germany share a common vision and instruments for the development of technological research. Carnot institutes (IC) and Fraunhofer institutes (FhI) are institutes dedicated to the d
Transnational call for proposals on Neurodegenerative Diseases through the JPND
The ANR is associated to the Joint Programme in Neurodegenerative Diseases (JPND) to launch a joint transnational call for proposals. 21 countries / regions are participating to
Initiatives d'excellence (IDEX) - Appel à projets – Vague 2 – 2011
L'appel à projets "Initiatives d'excellence", doté de 7,7 Mds €, doit permettre de faire émerger en France 5 à 10 pôles pluridisciplinaires d'excellence d'enseignement supérieur et de recherche de ran
FLASH JAPAN – Great Tohoku Earthquake
FLASH CALL FOR PROPOSALS JAPAN Following the major earthquake and tsunami that occurred on March 11th, 2011, the French and Japanese research agencies (Agence Nationale de la Recherch
Equipements d’Excellence (EQUIPEX) - Appel à projets – Vague 2 – 2011
Cet appel à projets, vise à doter la France d'équipements scientifiques de taille intermédiaire (c'est-à-dire entre 1 et 20 millions d'euros) de qualité, qui pourront bénéficier à l'ensemble des domai
Corpus, data and tools for research in Humanities and Social Sciences
The programme « Corpus, data and tools for research in Humanities and Social Sciences » is designed to support research projects involving the constitution, enrichment, documentation of corpora or for