Specific Support for Research Works and Innovation Defense (ASTRID)
The French National Research Agency launches in partnership with the Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) a programme called 'ASTRID': Specific support for research works and innovation defense. This prog
ECOTECH - Sustainable Production and Environmental Technologies
The field of ecotechnologies covers new strategies aiming towards environmental efficiency in both production and consumption patterns as well as environmental technologies focusing on reducing pollut
Viability and Adaptation of Productive Ecosystems, Territories and Resources Face to Global Changes: Agrobiosphere
During the next decades, biosphere will face numerous major changes. Agriculture, landscape and, more largely, the whole set of the world ecosystems used by societies will have to adapt. The changes t
Transnational Call for proposals in the framework of the ERA-NET 'E-Rare-2'
"Transnational programme on Rare diseases" The ANR joins the ERA-NET E-Rare-2 to launch a third call for proposals (CFP) to fund transnational research projects on rare diseases. Nine countries
A collaborative call for proposals between ANR and DFG in the field of Chemistry. ANR-DFG Chemistry.
The French National Research Agency (ANR) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) launch a Franco-German call for proposals in the field of chemistry. The aim of the call is to strengthen the
Global Environmental Changes and Societies (GEC&S)
Environmental changes induced by the development of human societies are now visible across the planet, hence the term global environmental changes (GEC). These large-scale changes (climate, qualit
Emotion(s) – Cognition - Behavior (EMCO)
The study of relationships between “emotion (s), cognition and behavior” opens up prospects for both scientific renewed approach to classical questions of how the human mind works and to explore
Programme "Retour Post-Doctorants"
Consultez la liste des projets sélectionnés Attention, la liste des projets définitivement financés par l’ANR sera rendue publique au terme des instructions administrative et financière.
Emerging products, technologies and services presenting high value of technology transfer
The French National Research Agency launches a call for proposals within the programme “Emerging products, technologies and services presenting high value of technology transfer” which aims to promote
Changing societies "Inequality – Inequalities" (INEG)
The "Changing societies" programme In an environment marked at the same time by new forms of exchange, of interdependence and of differentiation between cultures, and also by certain forms