Call for proposals Science with and for society - Participatory research 2 second edition
Today's societal and environmental challenges raise questions that go well beyond the research community alone, since they directly concern all citizens. However, citizens have not waited for the major transitions we are facing to get involved with scientists in the production of knowledge that can be used for action and can play a concrete transformative role. This "participatory science and research" movement, based on the cross-fertilisation of knowledge (scientific, action-based and experiential), is now characterised by a huge variety of approaches, disciplines, themes, players and aims. Since the pioneering "science shops", the landscape of participatory science has continued to be enriched by new players and new structures (living labs, open labs, fab labs, hacker spaces, tech shops, foundaries, third places, etc.), and funding mechanisms, direct or indirect, national or regional, have also multiplied, although without meeting all the needs.